Yes , add to that Himenra's Eternal Hindu Recipe
<<<<<India need not race "with rapid strides" towards a
> Super-Power Status. Instead, India should lead the
> world with the ideology of nispriha karma
> (unattached work) by working for lokasangraha
> (wellbeing of everybody) with the force of niskama
> prema (causeless love) as perfected in the teachings
> of Bhagavadgita, Chandogya Upanishad and other
> ancient Indian scriptures. >>>>

From:  Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  [Assam] Upaai Nai Culture - Sentinel
Date:  Mon, 2 Jan 2006 15:12:25 -0600

Now, here is something from today's Sentinel, The 'Upaai Nai culture'. Unlike the 'hobo diok culture' this one indicates that people have just about given up on getting anything solved. Ain't it great to see people take things in their stride?
The Upaai Nai Culture

In this column the other day, we talked about the "me first" syndrome in our society. Another ugly aspect is the upaai nai culture prevalent today. Upaai nai

! One would say so any time, anywhere in Assam. No way out? It is as if we have already surrendered our conscience and sense of dignity to 'uncontrollable' forces. There is no wonder then that there are so many callous souls here who would shamelessly say
upaai nai when it comes to an issue as serious as that of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants! These souls do not want to work because they feel that all their work is meant for the illegal work-force. This apart, when it comes to traffic snarls, they would again say
upaai nai. It is as if we have become so rich as to have any number of vehicles on the road, and as if our traffic 'experts' too should have their own share of upaai nai. As to the concrete jungle that Guwahati has become, it is again
upaai nai. They would have us believe that the concrete jungle is so natural, given that there is such urbanization. And when it comes to random repairing of roads and the drain mud that floods as every summer, they would still say
upaai nai; after all, the PWD must also have its own share of upaai nai. All this reflects just one thing: what a decadent culture we have helped create!

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