Dear Santanu,

Are you   the Tall Handsome 'Chilaray type'  ex -Amtron Engineer of 1987?

You feel for the hapless peasant !

We all feel for him

That's all?

Don’t you foresee the specter of famine in Oxom in a few months?

How about sparing a thought for the subsequent 10 -100 -1000-10000 generations?

What we want is total Reengineering of Nature's wrong flow patterns that causes 95% of all available fresh waters pointlessly  flow down to Sea  via meandering lazy streams - the Dihang/Dibang/Lohit/Nwadihing(Jointly known as Brahamaputra) joined on way (mainly) by Xubonxiri,Dhonxiri(S),Kameng,Kopili,Pagoldia+ 4 feeders, Manaah complex,Krishnaai, Gowraang.

Join all downcomers at m.s.l.+300m  to cause a Water BUSBAR(Electric analogy)and draw new North-South droplines(irrigation Canals)1Km apart.Hard work- cannot be conceived by 'River Linking Propagandists.

You now get water at max. 500m from your farmland -12 months a year-everywhere !

Then  and only then  can we  plan meaningful  12-month-a-year agriculture/Forestry/Dairy/Meat industry in Oxom- having no Illinois -like prairie.

All this needs total Sovereignty, Concentration Camps and direct World links.

Get the Picture?



From:  "Roy, Santanu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  <>
Subject:  [Assam] From the Hindu.
Date:  Thu, 17 Aug 2006 22:47:45 -0500
>The picture caught my eye.
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