<Let Assam be the first and blaze a trail. The only WIN WIN solution there is.>
That is India's last chance for shockfree transition to sanity and PROGRESS.
We told the same to the PM  in the 1st PCG meet 1 year back-and gave it in writing  "Please talk with ULFA solely on  Reinstatement of Assam's Sovereignty"

From: Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: assam@assamnet.org
Subject: Re: [Assam] [asom] Assamese Fears and Saviours
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:04:06 -0600

O' Deka:

At 7:54 PM -0800 11/17/06, Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:
I think we all agree in this net that one big problem in India is enforcement of the myriads of laws.

*** Glad to see you at least are attempting to scratch the surface of one of the issues, instead of dispensing pithy platitudes about how the people are the problem, with Biharis and the Assamese leading the losers.

*** Enforcement of laws however is preceded by the LAWS themselves. It is the myriad of laws, that empower  corruption, that discourages individual enterprise,impede development and promote exploitation- albeit as a result of non-enforcement. The concept of letting IAS/IPS/IRS bureaucrats screen out potential law-breakers BEFORE the citizenry ( no doubt criminally pre-disposed ) can even get into the act, but thoroughly impotent to do anything when actual breaches of the law take place, is a profoundly defective concept. It             is unique to India, a degenerated version of the colonial rule designed to safe-guard the Empire's interests.
*** The enormity of laws, rules and regulations-- much of it hand-me down of Victorian British laws, unintelligible to mere mortals and irrelevant to today's needs of an independent nation, also continue to raise the number of law-breakers. No wonder, the already inept and corrupt investigators and the prosecutors cannot come up with enough evidence in a timely manner, to help adjudicate the offenses. And since the courts are back-logged, now estimated to be around forty years, even the serious violators can rest easy. So the SYSTEM helps promote an environment of an absence of DETERRENCE. Why should anyone be concerned of breaking a law?

*** You charge the IAS' with dereliction of duty -- for not enforcing the laws.
Is it really a fair thing to do? WHERE is the SEPARATION of powers so essential to the functioning of a democratic state? HOW is it that the executive branch gets dictated to, in fact used as go-fers, PEONS to be precise, by the elected representatives? How does some retired spook or superannuated light-wt. general of a Guvnor have the right to overrule the elected state govts. on matters of prosecution of high officials on charges of corruption? Or how does the Center hold the rights to allow or not allow a state to prosecute an IAS or IPS Babu in a federal democratic state?

Add to that the fact of elected reps, political animals, moving up to become the TOP-EXECUTIVES -- the ministers and so forth, who ACTUALLY are the TOP ADMINISTRATORS of the Indian state. What are their EXPERTISE, their SKILL, to administer?

For that matter what are the skills of IAS/IRS/IPS Babus to administer? Is the ability to write exams, or being a walking encyclopedia, combined with a 'phoren' degree in Exconomics or what have you, ENOUGH to administer complex mega-projects of today, as the desi-Babus are expected to do?

It is yet another profound flaw of desi-demokrasy's pretensions of a socialist state!

***  Even if there were to be real separation of powers, the IAS Hakims still will have to depend upon the police and the prosecutors and the courts. The police system is thoroughly broken, totally dysfunctional and corrupted to the core. Can you imagine it to be of ay use without a profound overhaul? Many bright individuals have written at length of what needs done.

But where is the Indian political will to REFORM? It is non-existent! EVEN if the desire is there, it is IMPOSSIBLE to muster the political will of the disparate and fractured behemoth.

*** And WHO are the movers and shakers of democratic will of the people, who make the laws and sets policies of the state? What are their SKILLS? And if they are not necessarily skilled in specialized areas -- as they could be expected not to -- does the desi system have provisions for BRINGING in the SKILLED people from the citizenry into the policy-making and lawmaking process as consultants and advisers ? Do they involve the PUBLIC  on major issues, by holding hearings, receiving public input?

Rajen will tell you about that if you didn't know -- about how 'Asom' happened :-).

*** Who selects the candidate to run for elected office, and WHO determine the  election outcomes by FUNDING these elections? Is it really the local people? Or is it special interests from a REMOTE location--namely the 'high-command' sitting at Indraprastha? Is it a real DEMOCRACY? Is it not an insult to the intelligence of people to suggest that the reps. elewted by Assam are TRULY elected by the people of Assam?

The electoral system is defecr tive, it is broken, it is UN-representative.

*** Then there is the issue of TYRANNY of the majority perpetrated by both the unrepresentative legislative branch sitting in Delhi, run by vastly majorities that have no clue or no interest in playing fair by regions it considers colonies or un-important, or even non-existent; and the SC that has usurped legislative powers, unchecked either by a Constitution or the elected members, barely educated about democratic institutions, if at all.

The Upper House, the Rajya Sabha, that can and should act as a check against a tyranny of the numbers in the Lower House, is little more than a ceremonial puppet.

But can India change it?  I will bet you a rupee, that India is incapable of such reforms. What with the ignorance and apathy of its intelligentsia.

*** Bhuban Kokaideu is thoroughly impressed with the Judiciary. But if you ask sitting SC judges even--SOME will tell you how corrupted the courts have become. How the judges are bought and sold by special interests, with NO OVERSIGHT, with no way to hold them accountable! Yes, some of them have rendered wise decisions
on certain celebratory cases. That is commendable and hopeful. But EXCEPTIONS do NOT make the rule. The courts need massive reforms, again something that the fractured and disparate country cannot muster the political will to execute.

Because without an effective judicial system, no-one could expect any ACCOUNTABILITY so dramatically absent in desi-demokrasy.

*** The ANSWER? Break the country up to MANAGEABLE smaller entities. Undertake complete overhauls to RESPOND to regional needs --- which are NOT the SAME  all over. Let the smaller entities free to build their OWN FUTURES ridding them of their DEPENDENCE on doles from that mai-baap at Hastinapur, which have robbed regions of their enterprise and drive to survive and excel. The prevailing common bonds that hark long back into history can continue to remain unbroken. And if necessary or desirable maintain a common defense, foreign policy etc. as the institutional links. And even let those who want to remain together as they choose. But let those who want to go--FREE!

Let Assam be the first and blaze a trail. The only WIN WIN solution there is.


 This enforcement is one of the main responsibilities of the IAS officials. If they don't do it for fear of reprisal and dismissal by the elected officials, they are shirking their responsibility.
Just a thought - if an IAS officer stands up for what is right and confronts an elected official, who does he turn to get support for his stand?
Dilip Deka

Entirely Aggree!!
----- Original Message ----
From: Rajen & Ajanta Barua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: assam@assamnet.org
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 11:16:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] [asom] Assamese Fears and Saviours
It is because the total system is a sum of the individual contributions. When you question the total system, you actually try to diffuse the responsility and individual accountability. It is like waiting for somebody to remove the mystic 'poisoned arrow' so that everything will be suddenly fine and dandy.  Everybody now a days seems to take this approach and find it easy to blame everything on the GOA or GOI. Democracy is not a stat product, it is a dynamic system of the people by the people and for the people. In this system if somebody think that there is free cake, he or she is not doing his or her job. All officers should be accountable to the public, and the public has a right to ask questions. People will be asking more questions to more people, be they political officers or public servants. We should encourage people to ask questions, that is the basics of democracy. This writing is not to blame Rajkhowa in any way. We are simply asking, if the political leaders did not allow him to the job, why he did not resign. We need to change the Assamese Hobo Diok dysfunctional democracy by questioning everybody in charge hard questions.
Moto is "If you cannot do the job, please give it to somebody else".
Rajen Barua

----- Original Message -----
From: mc mahant
Cc: assam@assamnet.org
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] [asom] Assamese Fears and Saviours

Why are you all zeroing on to just one Bureaucrat?Poor chap is at least repenting his wasted  life and career.
Why not on to the total system of million loafers of Government who cannot perform one bit. And on to DemoKrasy itself?
And onto the 1950 Indian Constitution- copied from other rubbish?

From: Ankur Bora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: assamonline@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [asom] Assamese Fears and Saviours
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 21:04:11 -0800 (PST)
We have a right to know what Mr. Rajkhowa did as the chief executive of the state because he was a government servant. We pay our hard earn money as tax to fill government exchanger and pay for the salary of the bureaucrats. So we have every right to know how did they serve.

The question is , Mr. Rajkhowa inspite of enjoying all the government privileged , did he make a significant change in people's life?

Austin, Texas
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