- but we need to know where all the central money is disappearing and how a few >Axomiya officers and politicians have become rich at the expense of these >villagers.

*** Two questions here: HOW would we KNOW? WHAT tools do we have with which to unearth that information?

And how do we know that a few Oxomiya 'officers' alone are stealing us blind? How do we know that it is not going RIGHT OUT of Assam thru Indian contarctors, consultants, and a variety of traders and 'beparis'-- just to name a few -- that have had Assam govts. past and present under their controls, albeit from the shadows?

Poor villagers dont have the means to question or verify.

*** How about the urban middle class that are the real movers and shakers? Do THEY have the means? If they do, do they care or not? And if NOT, why?

DESI-DEMOKRASY not working perhaps...

*** Perhaps? Are there doubts? Something else perhaps? I press the issue, because if society's backbone is not up to acknowledge where the problems lie, how will they ever find solutions?

.but then its not AUTOKRASY where centre will hold local officials by the neck >and demand where the money went.

*** That implies that UNLESS it is an AUTOCRACY, the people who CONTROL the purse strings, could not or would not have the means to dispense their duties, of being responsible for making sure that the resources they COLLECT from the PEOPLE and re-distribute -- is done properly so that the PEOPLE can benefit from it?

It is a VERY LARGE RESPONSIBILITY! But is the Center exercising , delivering on THAT responsibility? Is it RESPONSIBLE to turn and say from this point on it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, while doing NOTHING to give the people the TOOLS they need to make sure they get the benefit of what comes to them?

That would lead one to ask further--if AUTOCRACY is the ONLY way to to dispense their duties, why are they and their supporters keep singing the virtues of the dysfunctional desi-demokrasy? Why do they attempt to portray what is dysfunctional as something BETTER, something more honorable, than what is purportedly effective ?

After all, democracy, autocracy etc. are TOOLS, MEANS to certain ends and NOT ends unto themselves, are they?

I am sure that all of us would know a few such people who have had positions of >importance in the government and have exploited them to the hilt to fatten >their own kitties.

*** I would even venture to suggest that a very large segment of those who have risen to be able to air their complaints, but are clueless about what to do about it, are also the beneficiaries of the same dysfunctional system of stealing from the many to enrich a few.

It is about time to UNDERSTAND the source of the problems and work to CHANGE what is dysfunctional.


At 2:53 AM -0800 11/23/06, SANDIP DUTTA wrote:
5 decades of exploitation yeah - but we need to know where all the central money is disappearing and how a few Axomiya officers and politicians have become rich at the expense of these villagers.

Its very easy. Siphon off all the money and then tell the villagers that the Centre is neglecting. Poor villagers dont have the means to question or verify. Neither does the centre have a band of rabble-rousers who will answer all the allegations because they themselves are unsure of where the money is actually going.

DESI-DEMOKRASY not working perhaps....but then its not AUTOKRASY where centre will hold local officials by the neck and demand where the money went.

I am sure that all of us would know a few such people who have had positions of importance in the government and have exploited them to the hilt to fatten their own kitties.


----- Original Message ----
From: "Saikia, Hrishikesh IN BLR SISL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Rajen & Ajanta Barua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; assamonline@yahoogroups.com; assam@assamnet.org
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 12:02:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] [asom] Assamese Fears and Saviours

1) Villagers support ULFA because of 5 decades of exploitation , and that cannot be the sufficient justification to prove that jungle rule prevails in ASSAM. What about the systematic torture of our people, forgot AFSPA.

2) Does a non-vegetarian represent jungli. If that is the case then we all are jungli and jungle rule prevails in the name of huminity.

Milk, anything prepared with onion, oil or any masala is non-veg food, forget abt meat .We don't need any gujrati or marwari to define veg and


Let me tell you where jungle rule prevails:

1) Female Foeticide among the people who are/were from the cow belt region is highest. Even if the individual was from jalandhar and stays at bangalore it does not matter. They have that animal instinct .

2) Dowry is disgrace to our society thus to india and I don't know how india represent UN with 100crore-7 crore(NE)= 93 crore annulled population .

3)       caste is such a sticky factor among the indians - NE .


-----Original Message-----
From: Rajen & Ajanta Barua [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:50 AM
To: assamonline@yahoogroups.com; assam@assamnet.org
Subject: Re: [Assam] [asom] Assamese Fears and Saviours

1)  Jungle rule - I would say yes, and will not be difficult to prove..

2) Many villagers support ULFA - was correct till few years ago

3) We all NEs eat fish and chicken. Some NEs eat dog, snake, etc also.

So where do we see the problem in such accusation.

Why should one feel bad. Incidently the Chinese have a reputation that they eat everything that moves.

Media cannot do anything by trying to publicise wrong statements that we donot have Jungle rule, that we donot support ULFA, that some of us donot eat dog and snakes.

We need to change our views how not to feel ashamed at such accusation but how we can defend ourselves. I am talking about # 3).

We defenitley need to do somthing how to stop our Jungle rule and start a democratic civilized rule.

Rajen Barua

----- Original Message -----

From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Debojyoti Bordoloi

To: <mailto:assamonline@yahoogroups.com>assamonline@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:26 AM

Subject: Re: [asom] Assamese Fears and Saviours

Apart from things like literacy rate n all, what is really a matter of grave concern is the picture of Assam in particular and North-East as a whole,painted by the masses of so-called developed cities and metros of India. According to them,Assam is a land where JUNGLE rule still prevails,each and every household in the interior corners of the state is having atleast one underground family member who is fighting against the state and people from these places eat everything on the planet.This is really very disgusting at this age when media in any form virtually rules every thing in the society and we are performing in this regard very poorly.So, i feel that we should take some stern action in this direction and our media should promote our State in a better way at the outset so that we also become a name to reckon with on the national scene with all our good qualities,resources and our heritage et.all.


samudra gupta kashyap <<mailto:sg_kashyap%40rediffmail.com>[EMAIL PROTECTED] il.com> wrote:

mrinal talukdar is right!

It is not correct to presume that everything is wrong here on the banks of the brahmaputra. mrinal has already pointed at some of the numerous positive things that are happening here. what is lacking is a bold civil society which wakes up to push aside a handful of self-appointed saviours of assam who have negatively influenced the assamese mindset and woven myths that only drag all of us backwards instead of contributing towards emancipation of this wonderful ethnic mix called assamese.

people in assam are today willing to say a big No to the bandh culture. people want to climb the ladder of human development in all aspects (it is also true that assam ranks 15th among the indian states in terms of male literacy and 13th in terms of female literacy? do you know life expectancy at birth of assamese males is just 58 years 350 days against all-india average of 63 years 317 days and biar's 65 years 240 days? and that the average assam woman lives only 60 years 317 days against all-india average of 66 years 332 days, and bihar's 64 years 288 days? it is also true that people like moni manik gogoi, who gave up ulfa (but did not become a sulfa) on finding that it was a stupid thing to take up arms, and has in the past six or seven years transformed the economy of dozens of villages near naharkatiya. )

what assam needs is a program that can change the mindset of the people. also required is a new generation of leaders wo are literate, forward-looking, committed, ready to sacrifice and also face criticism, and believes that the assamese too is a global citizen and not a nador bhekuli.

please come and do something, if you feel like, on these areas -- areas of human development and also on areas of leadership development.

Samudra Gupta Kashyap/Guwahati

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