
>*** Surely YOUR support or for that matter of others in your camp is
NOT >what ULFA has been surviving all these decades. Obviously it is
from the >support of those who you do not see or prefer not to
recognize when you >see them. Thus your definition of ULFA's
'sincerity' is quite irrelevant to >the resolution of the conflict.

yes, the ulfa has been around for a while. Now who is giving it arms,
and intel - the Bangladeshi Intel and the Pakis
who gives the money - well some give, while from others the ulfa "taxes"
and there is always abduction  as a revenue source.

within the next few years, they wouldn't have to pretend to be "patriots"

>IF you and others are SEEKING a resolution >to the conflict, then the
>question would be WHAT are you contributing to >its resolution?

I would suggest, give up the weapons, and come for talks, to arrive at
some levels of compensation for the low/mid-level level misled cadres
from the GOI - the cream should be be ready for prosecution according
to the Constitution of India and pay the piper.
But then - thats just old me.

On 5/15/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ram:
> >All you are reduced to doing is taunting ULFA or ULFA sympathizers, or 
> >mouthing
> >off bravado-laden but meaningless slogans.   One would think >something is  
> >missing here.
> >Yes, that does happen, like it does often with  the GOI/GOA and India.
> >But, I have often said that if the ulfa or some other group was really, 
> >really >fighting for a cause, and with all sincereity, I would be the first 
> >one to at >least give them the respect they deserve (even if I do not agree 
> >with their >cause).
> *** Surely YOUR support or for that matter of others in your camp is NOT what 
> ULFA has been surviving all these decades. Obviously it is from the support 
> of those who you do not see or prefer not to recognize when you see them. 
> Thus your definition of ULFA's 'sincerity' is quite irrelevant to the 
> resolution of the conflict. IF you and others are SEEKING a resolution to the 
> conflict, then the question would be WHAT are you contributing to its 
> resolution?
> Again IF you believe the arguments that you proffer here, a regurgitation of 
> the same old same old, or recommendations of JS or the 'wah-wah' from behind 
> the bushes from whomever or the taunting of ULFA  would be bringing the 
> conflict to an end, then I have to guess you have something else coming :-).
> BTW, the label was an illustration, to drive home a point, to illustrate how 
> it does nothing.
> c-da
> At 9:57 AM -0600 5/15/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> O' C'da
> Sorry to have you rankled so much - not my intention, but some of lousy my 
> traits just slip by.
> The labels revolution, or revolutionary are not inventions of JS, me or you. 
> The ULFA and many of its sympathizers use these terms whenever they feel its 
> good to use them. Even the ulfa "newsletter" freely uses it.
> The insurgency they mount is often confused with a revoltion by some people. 
> So, that is why it is important to separate issues here. We don;t want to 
> groups (which don't deserve it) an "aura" status do we?
> >Imagine me assigning a label on you as, say, an Indian patriot
> C'da - is this discussion about me? Didn't  realize that. But if you feel 
> better,
> you could always label the GOI/Desi-demokracy, and anything else (if you 
> haven't already). And if that doesn't work, feel free to label me - these 
> days, I have grown such a tough skin (like our Rhinos there) - nothing seems 
> to stick. :) :)
> >*** What you see as looting, could be presented by ULFA as TAXING, tax that 
> >the payer does not pay to what is fancied to be the 'legitimate' 
> >>government.  What the two-book-keeping entities do not pay to GoI, goes to 
> >ULFA, who employs those left unemployed by India's 
> >rob-the-poor->masses-to-enrich-the-few-economy, keeps the economy running by 
> >buying what it needs to feed the soldiers.   I hope you read the World Bank 
> >>report on black-money's corrosive effect on the Indian economy.  Further 
> >more  on the looting front, how do you see the Indian elected reps' role, 
> >>in looting the treasury?
> Here, there are a couple of things that tell me my edumacation is wrong.
> One is that "tax" is usually levied by an authority (government civic body 
> etc). It is so levied, so that things that they do with the money collected 
> will supposedly help the community as a whole.
> I never knew a tax could also be used to line pockets for personal use (and 
> not much else)
> Two. Yes, there are many bureaucrats/babus/ministers in the GOI and GOA who 
> will rob th tax-paying public blind. But your justification has really caught 
> me unawares (to say the least).
> You imply that ulfa collects money from tax-cheats who don't pay their share 
> to the GOI.
> It then takes that excess money, employs the unemeployed, sends  them to 
> battle royal (from whence they often don't come back).
> Now, that is something. The GOI, I am sure is also glad that the ulfa is 
> helping it keep these tax-cheaters in line.
> > Further more  on the looting front, how do you see the Indian elected reps' 
> > role, in looting the treasury?
> Very bad, rank bad. So, your solution to this vexing corruption problem is 
> what, create another corrupt organization to emulate the dregs of GOI? But 
> this time, make sure this orgnization is also violent?
> >Had Assam Govt. leaders NOT attempted to prove that uLFA had no teeth by 
> >putting these children of Dhemaji in harms way,
> >in spite of warnings by ULFA not to hold those parades, this tragedy could 
> >not have happened.
> C'da - I don't know whether to laugh or cry here?  You are telling us, that 
> since the GOA DID NOT follow ULFA's dikats, the children, men and women of 
> Assam have to pay the price. After all - what is the Govt.?  - it is ALSO 
> made up of the kerani, that LP school mastor or the corner traffic policeman. 
> These people unfortunately also have children. And if alll these people and 
> the GOA don't follow them dikats - then Offf with their heads?
> And since the ulfa has the guns and bombs, the GOA will of course have to 
> tell its employees and the public to stay away whenever the ulfa demands it.
> >Do you see a difference between GoI and ULFA?
> Yes, I do and so do most other people. We see, that however bad the GOA/GOI 
> turns out to be, it is still whom the public at large elected (even in a 
> flawed system). And most of all the GOI has the legal and legitimate standing 
> - that organizations like the ulfa don't. Imagine the ULFA running as a Govt. 
> in Assam. If they don't like you - they just get rid of you, if you more 
> wealth than some its members, they will just come at night and demand you pay 
> them. And of course, you dare not question them. I know, you would love that 
> kind of govt. setup:):)
>  For the rest of us, we prefer democracies - even if they are not perfect.
> >All you are reduced to doing is taunting ULFA or ULFA sympathizers, or 
> >mouthing
> >off bravado-laden but meaningless slogans.   One would think >something is  
> >missing here.
> Yes, that does happen, like it does often with  the GOI/GOA and India.
> But, I have often said that if the ulfa or some other group was really, 
> really fighting for a cause, and with all sincereity, I would be the first 
> one to at least give them the respect they deserve (even if I do not agree 
> with their cause).
> Today, we have a scenario, where such a group is often defended on gounds 
> such as:
> Well - there are other corrupt people too
> Well - the army also kills people, so let these groups also kill - you know, 
> more the merrier.
> Well - they are brave, but they do need to save their own skins (run away, 
> and live to sneak up and fight another day)
> Well- they do not have any plan now or for forever for Assam. And if they do 
> - its a big secret
> Take care,
> --Ram
> On 5/15/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> Ram:
> >First of, the ulfa cannot really be considered "revolionaries". A revolution 
> >(Like the French etc) are a >mass-scale uprising of some sort against an 
> >establishment. The ulfa (as some would like to elevate) is >nowhere close to 
> >that lable
> *** It was not *I* who assigned that label and then attempted to demolish it. 
> You can or JS can or any old fool can arbitrarily assign a label to anyone, 
> then demolish it, couldn't they? But what VALUE would that have?
> Imagine me assigning a label on you as, say, an Indian patriot, and then go 
> on to tell the world that you are not an Indian to begin with, that you are 
> an American. That you claim you are are an Assamese, but  by parental 
> ethnicity you are really a Tamil.
> But what value would such an argument have ? Would I be wrong in surmising 
> that it would be zero, zit, nada?
> You catch my drift?
> >And yes, C'da why is these "home-grown" revoltionaries hell bent on killing 
> >and looting from Assamese people (and don't forget Dhemaji) - now there was 
> >a great example of your revolutionaries giving up blood & treasure (of 
> >course, it matters little that blood spilled was not theirs).
> *** What you see as looting, could be presented by ULFA as TAXING, tax that 
> the payer does not pay to what is fancied to be the 'legitimate' government.  
> What the two-book-keeping entities do not pay to GoI, goes to ULFA, who 
> employs those left unemployed by India's 
> rob-the-poor-masses-to-enrich-the-few-economy, keeps the economy running by 
> buying what it needs to feed the soldiers.   I hope you read the World Bank 
> report on black-money's corrosive effect on the Indian economy.  Further more 
>  on the looting front, how do you see the Indian elected reps' role, in 
> looting the treasury?
> They are WORSE offenders, because they steal wearing that robe of 
> respectability as the people's reps., on the sly. But I see no outrage in 
> that from the 'fair and balanced crowd',or demands to send them to prison, or 
> to send their sympathizers to prison. In fact I will not be surprised if the 
> scions of some of these thieves in white are not right here amongst us urging 
> ULFA sympathizers to be sent to prison. We surely know that most everybody 
> who holds some important position in Indian govts. have a sopn or daughter or 
> a close relative in some western countries as immigrant, 'green-card holder' 
> or citizens or H1Bs. So much for their faith in their nation.
> Yes, Dhemaji is a stigma to ULFA. They should not have done that, IF it WAS 
> indeed ULFA who did that deliberately. But parties to warfare do terrible 
> things, sometimes willfully, at other times inadvertently. IF I remember 
> correctly you took great pride in the Indian military's repeated OOpses  on 
> its civilian killings in fake encounters, as if those were slips, that never 
> happened before, or never will in the future.
> Do you see a difference between GoI and ULFA?  And if GOI can do no better 
> than ULFA, where does its apologists get that  halo of 'holier-than-thou',  
> to sport?
> In fact GOI  and its stooges, Assam govts. past or present have actively 
> contributed to such mindless violence. Had Assam Govt. leaders NOT attempted 
> to prove that uLFA had no teeth by putting these children of Dhemaji in harms 
> way, in spite of warnings by ULFA not to hold those parades, this tragedy 
> could not have happened. Not to justify it however. But I don't recall 
> hearing from the 'fair and balanced crowd'  a word on WHO was EXPLOITING 
> these children.
> Then there is this other  thing that the thoughtful should not avoid 
> considering: When the Indian army operations lead to separating the 
> leadership from the operating elements, it creates an environment of private 
> entrepreneurship by inexperienced and poorly educated rank-and-file manning 
> the battlefronts. How do you know that it was sanctioned by ULFA leadership, 
> and not impromptu action by someone at location? That is war for you.
> >We have all been hearing about this big cause for a long time. Then why is 
> >that the whole of Assam >have  NOT joined  and or signed on the dotted line? 
> >Do you know why?
> *** Of course I do. In fact anyone able to reason ought to: That is because 
> the establishment is not going to give up its rights to the feeding trough. 
> And GoI has been pumping unaccounted for billions to keep that sector on its 
> side. Never mind the rest.  I remember Chittaranjan's assurance that a 
> reasoned public dialogue on the need for Assam's sovereignty is not 
> impossible in Assam media. But he could not get my posts aired in Assam, 
> could he? I also tried, but could not.  The fear of reprisals from the govt. 
> is present and powerful.
> >>That is how it works in a violent CONFLICT. That is WHY it is a violent 
> Whew! Now that somehow makes us all feel better. Of course, all the people of 
> Assam gave the green signal for ULFA to go violent and now it (the ulfa) acts 
> as the sole torch bearer for God & country.
> *** That was NOT meant to make you feel better Ram. It was to point out what 
> you could not see, even though you it is staring at your face.
> >One question, if these 'revs' are NOT even able to fight from their home 
> >base (that they are forced to go >to another country to do so), what odds do 
> >you, as a pragmatist, give them for any kind of win?
> *** I am not a military strategist, unlike say JS, who obviously knows better 
> than the Indian military brass
> past and present, who have said over and over again that it is not a battle 
> they can win and that only a political solution will end the conflict. 
> Perhaps JS will explain how ULFA can be defeated militarily.  Or how their 
> sympathizers should be rounded up and thrown in prison. Maybe that Congress 
> MP who recommended that for those who calls for a referendum, like MR 
> Goswami, could explain that --or the need for his vehement back-tracking 
> after that. Do you think the ULFA sympathizers were terrified of that threat 
> in Assam ?
> >One question, if these 'revs' are NOT even able to fight from their home 
> >base (that they are forced to go >to another country to do so), what odds do 
> >you, as a pragmatist, give them for any kind of win?
> *** I understand your  quandary as I do of those others in your camp. All you 
> are reduced to doing is taunting ULFA or ULFA sympathizers, or mouthing  off 
> bravado-laden but meaningless slogans.   One would think something is  
> missing here. Question is WHAT?  I know the answer, but I will let you figure 
> that out by yourself . I like to think you are eminently capable of. And when 
> you do, maybe you will be kind enough to share that with those in your camp 
> who are not that well equipped :-).
> Take care.
> c-da
> At 7:40 PM -0600 5/14/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da
> >*** Is this for a fact or a demonstration  of  profound ignorance of modern 
> >history?
> >Would you like to explain?
> Let me try!
> First of, the ulfa cannot really be considered "revolionaries". A revolution 
> (Like the French etc) are a mass-scale uprising of some sort against an 
> establishment. The ulfa (as some would like to elevate) is nowhere close to 
> that lable
> So, in that context, modern revolutions have always been about "protecting 
> the masses" against tyrants. In the Assam context, can you give some stark 
> examples where such a thing has happened? And yes, C'da why is these 
> "home-grown" revoltionaries hell bent on killing and looting from Assamese 
> people (and don't forget Dhemaji) - now there was a great example of your 
> revolutionaries giving up blood & treasure (of course, it matters little that 
> blood spilled was not theirs).
> > I suspect you and JS intended SOME of the ULFA leaders, didn't you? 
> > Assuming that  was what  it was, let me ask you this: If it were you, Ram 
> > >or JS, in the position of those ULFA leaders, what would you do? Play 
> > STUPID and get arrested or get erased in some  encounter, real or fake? Is 
> > >this some kind of a question to make the ULFA leaders look  like 
> > 'cowards'? If it is, do you think it is working?
> If the 'leaders' were holed up in B'desh and making war plans/strategic plans 
> against the big, bad ogre called India, it may have carried some semblence of 
> resptability - but to hole up elsewhere, goad/egg other to the battles, and 
> all the while amass huge personal wealth, (as reported by the US think tank - 
> Stratfor. com), getting help from BD intel and ISI (who will just as easily 
> slit an Assamese throat as they would an "Indian") is beyond me.
> So, now this "holing up" in Bangladesh is really a strategic plan - could 
> have knocked me out with a feather! How could I have missed that
> >First off, if 'THEY' were residing in a foreign land, why is it that India 
> >and Indians claim
>  >ULFA is fighting in Assam? Isn't that a contradiction?
> I am just trying here - don't know exactly what JS meant.
> Why is this a contradiction - the leaders stay in BD - making the big war 
> plans, while the "low-level" cadres do the dirty job in Assam.
> >*** Another abjectly dumb question again. These are people fighting and 
> >dying for a cause.
> >You may not agree with their cause.
> We have all been hearing about this big cause for a long time. Then why is 
> that the whole of Assam have  NOT joined
> and or signed on the dotted line? Do you know why?
> >That is how it works in a violent CONFLICT. That is WHY it is a violent 
> Whew! Now that somehow makes us all feel better. Of course, all the people of 
> Assam gave the green signal for ULFA to go violent and now it (the ulfa) acts 
> as the sole torch bearer for God & country.
> One question, if these 'revs' are NOT even able to fight from their home base 
> (that they are forced to go to another country to do so), what odds do you, 
> as a pragmatist, give them for any kind of win?
> Even the country these people take refuge in (BD) is not able to take on the 
> bad boy on the block (India)  what are the chances for the "revs". Do you 
> think perhaps, that there is no fun for them to end this 'insurgency 
> Kamadhenu'. Whatever will they do if this all ends - Work for a living? Good 
> grief ! :)
> --Ram
> On 5/14/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ram:
> Just out of curiosity:
> >Nowhere in the history of any struggle have the revolutionaries
> killed their own people in one hand and talked of fighting for peace,
> *** Is this for a fact or a demonstration  of  profound ignorance of modern 
> history? Would you like to explain?
> >- Why do they reside in a foreign country, the population of which is
> >creating economic and social disorder in our state?
> *** This is another bright question no doubt and someone of my caliber would 
> be hard-pressed to answer. But since you press the point , allow me to take a 
> shot ( pun intended):
>         First off, if 'THEY' were residing in a foreign land, why is it that 
> India and Indians claim
>         ULFA is fighting in Assam? Isn't that a contradiction?
>         I suspect you and JS intended SOME of the ULFA leaders, didn't you? 
> Assuming that
>         was what  it was, let me ask you this: If it were you, Ram or JS, in 
> the position of those
>         ULFA leaders, what would you do? Play STUPID and get arrested or get 
> erased in some
>         encounter, real or fake? Is this some kind of a question to make the 
> ULFA leaders look
>         like 'cowards'? If it is, do you think it is working?
>         If you asked me it is a pretty dumb question, really. And dumber 
> expectation.
> >- They seek whereabouts of missing ULFA members, what about all the
> >people they have killed. Are they going to give the reasons ?
> *** Another abjectly dumb question again. These are people fighting and dying 
> for a cause. You may not agree with their cause. That is how it works in a 
> violent CONFLICT. That is WHY it is a violent CONFLICT. One side does not 
> agree with the other and neither siude is asbout to play dead. Under the 
> circumstances, expecting an antagonist here to play NEUTRAL ( or UNBIASED to 
> echo the favorite kharkhowa/desi terminology) demonstrates an absence of an 
> ability to reason like an adult with ordinary intelligence. But I have 
> trouble believing that about JS and I know  you do not fit that mold. So what 
> is the explanation Ram?
> Anyone expecting an answer to questions like that would merely be 
> demonstrating their living in denial, unable to accept the widely prevalent 
> and discernible  truths that surround them like so nmany Indians seem to do.
> I hate to see you act so disoriented a desi, Ram :-)
> c-da
> At 1:00 PM -0600 5/14/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da
> >Why would anyone  want to go pick a fight with someone who would  proclaim 
> >"---
> There is another way to look at it. Perhaps, one could address this utter 
> frustration with ulfa's antics and the 'ulfa did nor wrong' crowd.  The 
> recommendations from JS may be strong, but there is a lot of truth in what he 
> says about the unstable situation in the state created by ULFA - and the fact 
> that the state (as it is overburdened with other problems) is now having face 
> the "insurgency" problem.
> Why can't ulfa sympathizers answers at least some of the questions like JS 
> asks/comments:
> Nowhere in the history of any struggle have the revolutionaries
> killed their own people in one hand and talked of fighting for peace,
> - Why do they reside in a foreign country, the population of which is
> creating economic and social disorder in our state?
> - They seek whereabouts of missing ULFA members, what about all the
> people they have killed. Are they going to give the reasons ?
> These and other questions have been asked before  - and we have YET to 
> receive prompt, short (no spin) ansers
> So, just Ignoring, the "punishment" as JS demnds  is really NOT a solution. 
> Why can't someone just answer to the questions.
> -Ram
> On 5/14/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >JS has thrown the gauntlet, now its up to them to pick it up :)
> *** It could be considered such only when there is even a modicum of 
> SUBSTANCE or realism behind a charge.  Why would anyone  want to go pick a 
> fight with someone who would  proclaim "---The only solution left, I believe, 
> is to eliminate every ULFA member and put all their sympathizers behind bars. 
> " It would be like challenging an Indian who would put a man on the Moon in 
> 2010; or recommend that all those who do not agree with him be banished to 
> 'koliyapani'; wouldn't it?
> c-da
> At 11:49 AM -0600 5/14/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> Hehehe C'da,
> I knew that would catch your attention. What JS says maybe an extreme 
> outburst, probably from someone young - but that is how many of the younger 
> generation in Assam feel. What kind of answers do you have for them - or do 
> you think their feelings ought to just brushed aside?
> >But, I will really like to see some die-hard sympathizers put JS in >his 
> >place :) :).
> C'da - you are expecting too much out of me.
> JS, right or wrong, has made a stand. Now, the ball is in the other court. 
> People like me will sit this out for a while atleast and see what happens. At 
> some point, I will come in to defend JS if he needs it - I have a feeling, he 
> won't. He has done good so far.
> >If audacity and the willingness to vent -- whatever that might be, ?are all 
> >it takes to resolve problems of this kind, then there would >have been no 
> >problem left in Assam , not to mention India.
> No, they are not - but on this net, its a rare commodity.
> >instead of passing the buck to them despicable ULFA >sympathizers, who will 
> >only make the issue more muddy  :-)?
> Me? Are they turning to me now? Something is really rotten in Denmark:), and 
> no, I am not passing the buck here - as I ain't no sympathazer. I would 
> expect them sympathizers to be up in arms even if they circle the wagons and 
> make it muddier:)
> JS has thrown the gauntlet, now its up to them to pick it up :)
> --Ram
> On 5/14/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ram:
> Saw your comments to Sharma's anguished outburst with his wishful 
> recommendations and conclusions.
> Good that Sharma is letting off steam.  But as an informed and experienced 
> NRA, I would have hoped to see you explaining to Sharma the profound flaws in 
> his line of thinking, even though I know you are unable to free your own 
> thought processes entirely from a blind devotion to the derelict Indian state 
>  :-).
> If audacity and the willingness to vent -- whatever that might be, are all it 
> takes to resolve problems of this kind, then there would have been no problem 
> left in Assam , not to mention India.
> So, what is missing?
> Don't you think you, as someone more knowledgeable, and more experienced than 
> obviously Sharma is,; have an obligation to help him see things in a more 
> mature light; instead of passing the buck to them despicable ULFA 
> sympathizers, who will only make the issue more muddy  :-)?
> c-da
> At 6:04 AM -0600 5/14/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> Welcome JS to the Assamnet. That was a pretty straight forward post, if there 
> was one, in these forums in a long time. I welcome that fresh air of audacity 
> :)
> There are a few die-hard ulfa supporters and sympathizers in this forum too.  
> I am sure some of them will respond to your post, and so will wait to see 
> waht they write.
> --Ram
> On 5/14/07, Jyotirmoy Sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After reading about the endless sequence of bomb blasts that this
> terrorist outfit is causing throughout Assam I cannot see how a
> sensible person can ever think of negotiating with such a terrorist
> outfit. The only solution left, I believe, is to eliminate every ULFA
> member and put all their sympathizers behind bars. Those living
> abroad and found assisting the outfit in any way should be barred
> from entering Assam.
> Nowhere in the history of any struggle have the revolutionaries
> killed their own people in one hand and talked of fighting for peace,
> prosperity and freedom on the other. What is even more surprising is
> that there are groups(read PCPIA and others) who have openly become
> the spokesperson of the outfit. They are never short in condemning
> when the Army kills a terrorist but hardly raise a voice when
> innocent people are getting slaughtered in their bomb blasts. Yes, it
> is true that the Army has killed and tortured innocent people in
> Assam but then the Army wouldn't be there in Assam if we didn't have
> the disease in the first place.
> Some questions which a pro-ULFA supporter may care to answer:
> - Why do they reside in a foreign country, the population of which is
> creating economic and social disorder in our state?
> - Why don't they fight the Indian Army but hide in their holes when
> confronted? Why do human rights become a big issue when their members
> are killed and not when innocents are getting maimed and killed by
> their bomb attacks at public places?
> - Why do they plant bombs in public places and kill innocent people?
> - They seek whereabouts of missing ULFA members, what about all the
> people they have killed. Are they going to give the reasons ?
> This problem has gone on for too long. If Punjab militancy could be
> eliminated I don't see why Assam should be different. Assam is better
> off with the freedom we have under India than under these terrorists
> called ULFA.
> Jyotirmoy
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