> *** What were the ingenuity or creative aspects of
> these so called 
> achievements of Indian engineering?
> How does someone who do not have a shelter over
> their heads or get 
> two meals a day or cannot send their children to
> school or do not a 
> get a liter of safe drinking water a week  benefit
> from T2 
> stock-exchange  ( whatever that might mean) that is
> the envy of the 
> USA.

And in the same logic ... how does the Homeless in US
(I see a lot of them in Boston) benefit from your
CREATIVE education and engineer.

I am not sure I understand HOW Creativity has
something to do with solving a issue of getting two
square meal..... However,  since you have learned
enough,  are creative enough, why don't you implement
some such Magic solutions at least in Assam.

> And how many of the above were the result of
> original Indian 
> engineering creativity?

ALL  ... unless you came over to India to help us do
all these.

> *** I am beginning to wonder whether you understands
> what creativity 
> means. Perhaps that is where the problem is.

Why don;t you educate us how creatively you will
provide two square meals to all in Assam .... or for
that matter what is meant by "Nation Building"  and
How Indian Engineers have miserably failed in it.

> if a nation spends its meager resources producing
> engineers and 
> scientists and what-have-you, only to have them go
> serve the needs of 
> developed countries, performing routine duties or
> even become 
> creatively; instead of producing those who are
> contributing to the 

There is a genuine problem.  Many of these Engineers
move to developed country for Money.  Nothing wrong
with it but unfortunately these same engineers then
cry hoarse why India is producing engineers who serve
in other countries .....

> least as good as the Chinese or the Russians in
> contributing creative 
> solutions to their unique national needs and
> welfare?

The Welfare of Russia was just exposed after the
communist government collapsed.   Let us know
HOW/Where Russia stands in terms of square meal.

> *** What you are missing is the essence of
> creativity and ingenuity.

Not sure if a Heart Surgeon need to be creative. 
However,  I would assume he/she need to be because
every operation is a challenge and in many case a
surgeon need to take a split second decision.

Let me know if it is otherwise.

> Not to imply Indians are incapable of such
> creativity.  It is quite 
> the opposite. They can be as good as anybody else.
> But their 
> education and training do not inculcate ingenuity
> and creativity. 
> That is why we see so many blossom ONLY after they
> LEAVE India.  That 
> is the difference.

You are again incorrect.  If it would have blossomed
ONLY after they LEAVE India,  it would not have been
possible to have for example the Stock Exchange
Infrastructure. I am sticking to my field  but it does
not mean there are not other success stories.  

Further,  do you think that the SAT or GRE or GMAT
DOES NOT test for Creativity ? Are these tests meant
for those expert in Rote memory ... not the typical
American Education right ??

And how do you think a guy who has completed over 16
years of formal education suddenly become CREATIVE?? 

> It was only a couple of weeks back, the equivalent
> of the FDA 
> director of China was executed, for taking bribes of
> less than a 
> million dollar.  It was a very severe punishment.
> But  his 
> dereliction of duty led to many many deaths of
> children around the 
> world, not to mention undocumented damages to lives
> and grievous 
> injury to Chinese Industry's goodwill. That is
> deterrence. Tell us 
> about India's .

You are right .....  I cannot show such capital
punishment in India ... However informed people know
who swiftly India acted when some data were leaked
thorough Call Centers.  This has re-established the
western coutries confidence on Indian Business Model. 

Would also appreciate your comments on the following

BTW,  you have been criticizing Indian System for over
a decade now ( at least) .  My understanding is that a
System is built (and maintained) by the people.  Do
you think that there are some Genetic problems with
Indians that they promote a bad system ?

--- Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >  >Who do you think is working on building Dams,
> >Skyscrappers, Power Plants etc in India ?  Who do
> you
> >think is teaching in IIT's producing Engineers like
> >you (I am assuming you consider yourself to be
> >Creative)
> >Who do you think has automated the banking system
> in
> >Indian Banks, many of which now offer services
> better
> >then US banks?
> >Who do you think automated the operations in Indian
> >Stock Exchange which now operates in a T+2 mode
> >(against T+3 in US)?
> >How do you think India has advanced over past
> several
> >years without Creative Contributions from Indian
> Engineers?
> *** What were the ingenuity or creative aspects of
> these so called 
> achievements of Indian engineering?
> How does someone who do not have a shelter over
> their heads or get 
> two meals a day or cannot send their children to
> school or do not a 
> get a liter of safe drinking water a week  benefit
> from T2 
> stock-exchange  ( whatever that might mean) that is
> the envy of the 
> USA.
> And how many of the above were the result of
> original Indian 
> engineering creativity?
> *** I am beginning to wonder whether you understands
> what creativity 
> means. Perhaps that is where the problem is.
> >You are again way-off the reality.  There are a
> good number of 
> >Creative Engineers who decided to >work towards a
> better India. 
> >Also,  in recent years, wehave been seeing a
> significant amount 
> >of >reverse braindrain.
> *** I will up you one on that. I would bet there are
> more than a 
> 'number of ' creative engineers. I would hope
> anyway. Out of a 
> billion people, if they have only a 'number' of
> them, that would be 
> quite a downer.
> But the question is why  not a whole lot more than
> that who are at 
> least as good as the Chinese or the Russians in
> contributing creative 
> solutions to their unique national needs and
> welfare?
> At any event, why don't you educate us by naming a
> few whose 
> contributions you would consider creative and not
> merely a me-too 
> versions of others' creations?
> I can't care less about reverse brain-drain. Or the
> straight one. But 
> if a nation spends its meager resources producing
> engineers and 
> scientists and what-have-you, only to have them go
> serve the needs of 
> developed countries, performing routine duties or
> even become 
> creatively; instead of producing those who are
> contributing to the 
> national good creatively and with ingenuity,
> something is terribly 
> broken, isn't it? More so when that is happening at
> the cost of 
> leaving millions back who do not even get a halfway
> decent primary 
> education, or for that matter any education.
> >  >"as in other fields" ---- have you heard of
> "medical tourism" ? 
> >why do you think people from western
> >developed countries rely on Indian Doctors for
> their major surgeries 
> >..... cost ???  But will you allow a
> layman to have a heart surgery on you even if it is
> free of cost ?? 
> Why do you think American Instituions of Higher
> Education never stop 
> praising Indian students ?  What am I missing ??
> *** What you are missing is the essence of
> creativity and ingenuity.
> Not to imply Indians are incapable of such
> creativity.  It is quite 
> the opposite. They can be as good as anybody else.
> But their 
> education and training do not inculcate ingenuity
> and creativity. 
> That is why we see so many blossom ONLY after they
> LEAVE India.  That 
> is the difference.
> >  >Tell us how is it punished by society?  In Big
> Dig, for example, 
> >we see that the middle rung of
> >management being punished ...
> *** Actually no one is punished YET for any
> wrong-doing at the Big 
> Dig. It is still being litigated as the news-clip I
> posted earlier 
> shows I will give you a small example: In the
> eighties, an interior 
> bridge/walkway over the Lobby at the Hyatt Regency
> hotel in Kansas 
> City collapsed from dancing and partying guests,
> killing hundreds. 
> Next day structural engineers' and (architects' too)
> liability 
> insurance rates shot up thru the roof, and has not
> yet come back 
> down. For years I, a tiny operator, have been paying
> far more in 
> liability insurance rates than a practising
> internist would be. I 
> don't know who else had to pay or how. But that was
> a lesson not to 
> be forgotten--about what it might mean to be sloppy
> with one's work. 
> The highly respected structural engineering firm of
> course went out 
> of business immediately.  The top man, if I  am not
> mistaken, fled 
> the country. I don't know if he was ever brought to
> justice or what 
> happened to him. But regardless, it changed the ways
> things are done, 
> dramatically.
> Now you tell us how such a tragedy has changed
> Indian engineering or 
> governance. Unless of course none such ever happened
> in India. Tell 
> what institutional deterrence i there.
> It was only a couple of weeks back, the equivalent
> of the FDA 
> director of China was executed, for taking bribes of
> less than a 
> million dollar.  It was a very severe punishment.
> But  his 
> dereliction of duty led to many many deaths of
> children around the 
> world, not to mention undocumented damages to lives
> and grievous 
> injury to Chinese Industry's goodwill. That is
> deterrence. Tell us 
> about India's .
> >Have you ever seen Mumbai suburban trains?  The
> overcrowded trains 
> >runs every 4 - 5 minutes and >shares the same track
> as long distance 
> >trains.
> *** And contrast that with the number of railroad
> accidents all over 
> India with the annual death toll from it. I would
> however NOT compare 
> that with the US -- for obvious reasons.
> >BTW   where do you stand on "Big Dig" .... human
> error or corruption
> *** It is quite immaterial.  I have no way of
> determining what 
> actually happened. We will just have to wait for the
> verdict to come 
> out. But regardless, somebody will be paying. And
> that will be a 
=== message truncated ===

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