>since it was YOU who made the comment the burden is on
you to proved the point.  We have shown numerous
examples of how Indian Engineers who studied in India
are shining in India and abroad.

*** The proof is in the product or' performance. If anyone can show how Indian trained engineers have found creative solutions to India's many problems and demonstrated their ingenuity, the question would not arise. I have been in an Indian engineering institution. Am a product of one. And I know exactly what goes on there. I also know that they have not changed in their fundamental approach. The result is all over to see.

That is however the not to suggest that the scarcity of Indian engineering ingenuity or creativity is entirely of training origin. There are other factors, most notably India's governance and its culture: Of stifling innovation, of discouraging ingenuity and of the inability to see, recognize and reward innovation, ingenuity and creativity. No wonder then that the only creativity and ingenuity coming out of Indian engineers are to be found abroad.

But the main reason for the absence of engineering ingenuity and creativity in India , as in every other field, remains in its education system, one founded on rote learning.

If you admit that there is a blend of Creative and non-Creative Engineers everywhere, the debate >ends

*** Except in the percentages of the blend.

How dod you say that your version is the "truth" ???

*** It is in what is there for all to see. Show us a few examples of Indian engineering ingenuity that has contributed to its national, forget humanity's, good or well being.

No one probably claims that India's situation is SAME as that of US.

*** That comes out only when challenged. There is corruption everywhere, sure, but the difference lies in the degrees. And how it is rewarded or punished by society.

Bridges fail both in India and the USA. But when one attempts to place both in the same degree, then one is lying thru one's teeth.

Similarly,  not everything in India is bad.

*** Same old trick--of exaggerating the point to an absurd level and then attempting to demolish it.

I have been in Assamnet long enough to learn a few tricks from you :)

*** I was just being facetious. It does not hurt me one bit to be told how no one pays any attention to what I have to say. The proof is in the responses they evoke :-).

At 12:19 PM -0700 8/9/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty wrote:

 Is it what I said about Indian engineering colleges
 not training
 their students to be creative ? If that is what
 bothers you, why
 don't YOU tell us HOW I was wrong about that
 statement? That would
 put me in my place.

since it was YOU who made the comment the burden is on
you to proved the point.  We have shown numerous
examples of how Indian Engineers who studied in India
are shining in India and abroad.

 Furthermore, just because  I faulted Indian
 engineering institutions
 of failing to inculcate creativity among their
 students, does not
 necessarily mean that ALL engineers everywhere else
 are CREATIVE or
 above errors of judgement or could not be guilty of

If you admit that there is a blend of  Creative and
non-Creative Engineers everywhere, the debate ends

 Nor does the fact of one or even many Indian
 engineers excelling in
 their fields and doing highly creative work in the
 USA  or in India
 mean that my comment is without any merit.
A few
 exceptions cannot
 change the truths of the vast majority.

To prove merit of your statement YOU need to support
your statement with documentation.  How dod you say
that your version is the "truth" ???
Indian students including Graduate engineers are
highly acclaimed in many US institutes.  Guess under
which educational system they had their basic
education ?

 Just because of the lapses on one or more instances
 > resulting in the
 Minneapolis bridge failure for example, does not
 mean that it is
 absent everywhere in the USA. Nor does it mean that
 since such
 absence is widespread in India, as is evidenced by
 the percentage of
 failures, India's situation the SAME as that of the

No one probably claims that India's situation is SAME
as that of US.  There are areas where India is worse
then US and there are areas where US is worse then
India. However,  unlike your tall claims,  "checks and
balances"  DO fail in US too;  corruption is NOT
something which is absent in US.
Similarly,  not everything in India is bad.  India is
developing fast and there are improvements in
different areas but I agree,  with eyes closed by
India-Hate, it is difficult to see.

 *** You sure know where to hit a guy where it hurts,
 don't you  :-)?

I have been in Assamnet long enough to learn a few
tricks from you :)

 Finally the following latest news on the Big Dig
 failure in our local paper.

 I hope the above will put your suspicions about my
 spinning that story .

Please check this .... a more authoratitive source I
would believe

Note -- "They are charged with highway project fraud
and related offenses for their participation in a
scheme to provide concrete to Big Dig projects that
did not meet contract specifications, and to conceal
the true nature of the concrete through false

I think "concealing the true nature through false
documents"  is corruption.  May be your superlative
English knowledge will interpret it as "human error" !

Even from your source -- "Powers Fasteners knew the
type of epoxy it marketed and sold for the nearly $15
billion project was unsuitable for the weight it would
have to hold, but never told project managers." --  it
is eveident that some people concealed some KNOWN
facts .... human error indeed :)

It is difficult to digest that a person who will
travel to the other end of World (or World Wide Web)
to find a fault in Indian System (or Indians) failed
to notice this :)

Once again you abstained from answering many of the
questions from my posting ... but again , this is not
the first time !


--- Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >  >Looks like you want to avoid answering these
 since then you might
 >have to eat up some of your >words on Indian
 Engineers. I would not
 >insist you to answer these.

 *** Now I get it!  You are trying to find ways to
 have me ">--eat up
 some of your words on Indian Engineers". I must have
 caused a lot of
 heart-burn again, did I?

 But the question that remains unanswered is WHAT  I
 supposedly said
 about Indian engineers that trouble you so and would
 like to have me
 'eat them' ?

 Is it what I said about Indian engineering colleges
 not training
 their students to be creative ? If that is what
 bothers you, why
 don't YOU tell us HOW I was wrong about that
 statement? That would
 put me in my place. I know you are somewhat
 handicapped by not being
 an engineer . Perhaps some of our own IIT engineers
 here will give
 you a hand with that, with solid examples of how I
 was wrong.

 Furthermore, just because  I faulted Indian
 engineering institutions
 of failing to inculcate creativity among their
 students, does not
 necessarily mean that ALL engineers everywhere else
 are CREATIVE or
 above errors of judgement or could not be guilty of

 Nor does the fact of one or even many Indian
 engineers excelling in
 their fields and doing highly creative work in the
 USA  or in India
 mean that my comment is without any merit. A few
 exceptions cannot
 change the truths of the vast majority.

 And your complaints about my references to
 'checks-and-balances' ,
 which in these posts you seem to be switching back
 and forth as being
 the same as accountability, incorrectly; is a highly
 > misplaced one.
 Checks and balances are critical and accountability
 indispensable  in
 ensuring quality of performance.
 Just because of the lapses on one or more instances
 resulting in the
 Minneapolis bridge failure for example, does not
 mean that it is
 absent everywhere in the USA. Nor does it mean that
 since such
 absence is widespread in India, as is evidenced by
 the percentage of
 failures, India's situation the SAME as that of the

 Your need to see me swallow my words therefore, is
 rooted both on
 your inability to look at the issues analytically as
 well as  that
 damned English language and comprehension of it.

 >First,  I have ABSOLUTELY NO concern that "the
 gullible or the
 >uninformed may believe what you >wrote" .... you
 know it very well
 >that you have no takers in AssamNet.

 *** You sure know where to hit a guy where it hurts,
 don't you  :-)?

 But then again; "Moinw ki twmar paani-khwa pukhurit
 bih dhalilw' (
 what poison did I pour in your drinking water pond,
 literally) to
 cause so much displeasure ?

 Finally the following latest news on the Big Dig
 failure in our local paper.


 I think there is an error on the dollar amount in
 the last sentence
 in of that story that says: The maximum penalty for
 a company charged
 with manslaughter in Massachusetts is $1,000.

 The 1000 dollar limit is highly unlikely.

 I hope the above will put your suspicions about my
 spinning that story .

 Take care.

 At 9:12 AM -0700 8/8/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty
 >  > *** That is not something to apologize for.
 >>  some of the issues I have been speaking about
 >>  fundamental to all engineering fields. That is
 why I
 >>  am more than a bit surprised by your
 >>  It goes to show that even an IIT software
 >>  engineering graduate( that is only an educated
 >>  guess) like yourself are quite oblivious of what
 >>  other engineers do or are expected to be able to
 >>  in the Indian context and not necessarily for
 > >>  exporting them to serve the needs of developed
 >>  countries.
 >--  Your Educated guess did not click ..... forget
 >about IIT,  strictly speaking,  I am not at all a
 >engineer .... did my B Sc from Cotton and MCA from
 >and somehow managed a fairly decent job and
 >...... just another "susuri musuri pass kora" case.

 >However, I do not think it takes an engineer to
 >understand that a bridge might collapse for n -
 >of reasons including design, poor construction,
 >management etc.
 >BUT  the point is with Creative Bright Engineers
 >all the Checks and Balances that you never stop
 >talking about  none of these failures should
 >happen.  Since the bridge has collapsed , either
 >engineers are NOT Bright enough OR there are some
 >holes in your "checks & balances". Do you think
 >are other possible reasons?
 >I am not sure if IIT Engineers are Expected to
 >a Bamboo Bridge and who set those expectations.
 >Unfortunately, India does not run on expectations
 >by you. As I mentioned earlier,  you have NO
 >on today's India. Because these Engineers did not
 >listen to your suggestions, the Indian GDP is
 >improving leaps and bounds.
 >Santanu-da can probably explain why the US Dollar
 >sharply getting devalued against Indian Rupee.
 >>  That brings us back to your questions and
 >>  They are all over the place, and while I can and
 >>  would be pleased to respond them, it would be
 >>  better to first pin down WHAT exactly it is that
 >>  are trying to prove or disprove with your
 >>  inquisition.
 >>  I realize you disagree with some of what I
 >>  But it also musty have caused you concern that

=== message truncated ===

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