Greetings Thakuria.

I hope you are carrying the torch of Oxomiya journalism high and bright in the international field as Assam's representative.

Thanks for sharing the appeal. Even though I don't, as a rule, indulge in 'flag-waving' of any kind and think of the pursuit in the same vein as how HG Wells viewed 'patriotism': " A mere national self-assertion, a sentimentality of flag cheering, with no constructive duties", I felt I owed a response since you were kind enough to send me a personal copy.

It seems to me that a far more useful activity for those of you who are able, would be to analyze, inform and educate the people about how such things as an armed insurgency came about from popular discontent brewing over decades in Assam and has not subsided in spite of tens of thousands of Assamese lives taken and given by and to Indian military operations spanning a quarter century; what the much touted 'democratic' governments, past and present have done ( or not done) to eradicate the causes of such discontent and how to hold what you all present to the world, by default, as the 'legitimate' government accountable; offer achievable and sustainable solutions instead of merely crying hoarse without anything to contribute.

And if you are unable to that yourself, go seek out those who can and make use of collective wisdom of the people who call Assam home, and help giving it the exposure from which the people can learn and act to change things for the better.

That would be something meaningful.



At 6:22 AM +0000 8/12/07, Nava Thakuria wrote:

We, the undersigned urge the people of Assam to
celebrate the 60th anniversary of our Independence Day
on August 15 in a befitting manner ignoring the
threats that have come from certain quarters.

We believe that we, the people of the State have every
right to celebrate the Day, as we have inherited the
spirit of the freedom fighters who had made immense
sacrifices and a good number of whom, like Kushal
Konwar and Kanaklata, had even laid down their lives
to free the country from the clutches of colonial
rulers. The Independence Day this time has added
significance as it coincides with the birth centenary
celebrations of martyr Bhagat Singh.

We therefore, call upon the people of the State to
hoist the National Tricolour on the Day atop their
houses and also to organize community celebrations in
their respective localities.

On the Day, we will also hoist the National Flag on
the Guwahati Press Club campus at 11a.m. So, itÂ’s our
appeal to the people to join the programme and make it
a success.

Nirupama Borgohain,

Dhirendra Nath Bezboruah

Dhirendra Nath Chakravarty,

Sushanta Talukdar,

Bhupen Bargohain

Ajit Patowary

Rupam Baruah,

Nava Thakuria,

Ranen Kumar Goswami,

Hiten Mahanta

Ratna Bharali Talukdar

Sabita Lahkar

Girindra Kumar Karjee

Mukul Kalita

Dhanjit Kakoti

Pramod Kalita

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