Good points, C'da. But I will have to respond later (probably later this

Till then


On 8/14/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Ram:
> At 11:35 AM -0600 8/14/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da
> >I did not say anything is WRONG with flag waving, did I Ram?
> No, you did not, but the implications are strong.
> *** Can you explain HOW you read that  in my post? You attended St.
> Xaviers' College and thus don't qualify to invoke the 'that damned English
> language' defense :-).
> How do you infer that I was telling Thakuria that his flag waving pursuit
> is wrong? I am pretty straightforward about what I want to say. I don't beat
> around the bush like a lot of other netters do. If I had deemed it WRONG I
> would have said  so, without hesitation, because over the decades I have
> found that subtlety of language is not a desi-strength. One needs to be
> blunt for it to register. And that is why I take the trouble to explain
> everything in so many words, like now :-).
> But I must say this:  YOU are belaboring the point, because you know that
> you don't have a leg to stand on to challenge what I wrote.
> This from your other post:
> >What I have NO respect for is when flagwaving or absence thereof >is used
> as a yardstick to judge somebody's patriotism.
> Now, what could be wrong with that? Count on my support here. But how did
> you deduce that Thakuria & others are* NOT patriotic*, and that they just
> wave flags - and hence, by inference, not really 'intellectuals' (HG Wells
> et al!)?
> **** You are mixing up different contexts. Stay to the subject if you have
> any respect for objectivity. I posted the Flagwaving Blues to explain my
> views about others' falg-waving, because you  charged me with telling
> Thakuria  that it is wrong.
> >What is that role, C'da? Why can't the media cover a broad spectrum -
> some supportive of your cause, >while others not?
> *** Again let us remain in context. Did I somehow imply that the Press
> need not  perform other
> functions ?  While it is your prerogative to jump to conclusions of your
> liking, to air the figments of your imaginations  in this fashion has its
> consequences. And I hope you know what they are :-).
> >For all the critisism of Desi Democracy, the media in India is pretty
> free.
> *** And look how they are using that freedom. What they are CONTRIBUTING .
> Or for that matter take a look at your own judgement in what  makes for
> useful or constructive contributions from the press when you posted that
> infantile Op-Ed piece from the sentinel. Good thing Kamal wrote in judgement
> of the piece instead of me.
> >Maybe there should be a Chinese style Democracy - then everything would
> straighten out, and people >will soon be singing praises of India.
> *** Come on Ram. You can do whole lot better than that. Try it!
> >I think, C'da you might want to take off those rose-colored glasses
> *** Sorry Ram. They are my original eyes  that can see right thru the
> obfuscations and spin. And they shall remain where they are :-).
> *Finally, why don't you tell us WHAT exactly is it that troubled you so
> about what I suggested to Thakuria  for being useful and constructive for
> Assam in this context?*
> *
> *
> *
> *
> c-da
> I think they are. I have often enjoyed DN B's columns. I think of him as
> one of Assam's intellectuals. I would not doubt his patriotism for Assam or
> India.
> The fact that these intellectuals are sending out a mass appeal to all the
> people in Assam, and urging them NOT to be afraid and cowed-down and
> celebrate with the rest of the Nation, is very laudable.
> >Because that is the role of the press in a democracy.
> What is that role, C'da? Why can't the media cover a broad spectrum - some
> supportive of your cause, while others not?
> Are those that support your views the ONLY ones on the right track? Are
> they the only ones that are patriotic, true upholders of genuine jouranlism
> etc etc?
> For all the critisism of Desi Democracy, the media in India is pretty
> free. That is why even near anti-national views are tolerated, and are free
> to publish almost anything. Maybe there should be a Chinese style Democracy
> - then everything would straighten out, and people will soon be singing
> praises of India.:)
> I think, C'da you might want to take off those rose-colored glasses :):)
> --Ram
> Further,
> On 8/14/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did not say anything is WRONG with flag waving, did I Ram? However most
> intellectually able people do not hold it in high esteem. Anyone can do it.
> Just like wearing ones patriotism on one's shirtsleeves. That is why
> thoughtful people also do not give any importance to such demonstration, in
> fact some very well thought of people have called the pursuit the* 'first
> resort of a scoundrel*' or* 'the last refuge of a scoundrel'.*
> I merely explained that it is meaningless , without anything constructive
> in it, as far as I am concerned. Like HG Wells said.
> Why my opinion ? That is because Thakuria was kind enough to inform me of
> their effort with the appeal, no doubt something they believe is useful or
> constructive or beneficial for Assam.
> See my post from 2002 on the topic I am forwarding next.
> *>Why? Is there a sudden dearth of supporters, that you would urge
> Thakuria & Co. to carry water for such causes?*
> *** Why don't YOU take a wild guess? But considering the question I guess
> that would not be all that useful, so allow me to help out:
>         Because that is the role of the press in a democracy.
> But I realize, desi-demokrasy and the Assam press' role in it does not
> necessarily reflect that.
> c-da
> At 9:34 AM -0600 8/14/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> C'da,
> As this is a public forum, thought I would weigh in too.
> I really do not see anything wrong with some people  wanting to and
> encouraging others to celebrate the Independence Day by hoisting the
> National Flag.
> It may irk some that there are many Assamese who actually want to
> celebrate in such a fashion. That is understandible.
> What is so wrong that some people are willing to celebrate as they wish,
> instead of staying home for fear of violence? All they want to do is
> peacefully celebrate the Independence that they cherish - but of course,
> only if others will let them!
> >It seems to me that a far more useful activity for those of you who are
> able, would >be to analyze, inform and educate the people  about how such
> things as an >armed insurgency came about from popular discontent brewing
> over decades  in >Assam
> Why? Is there a sudden dearth of supporters, that you would urge Thakuria
> & Co. to carry water for such causes? And who decides what activities are
> useful and which ones are not?
> --Ram
> I
> On 8/14/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings Thakuria.
> I hope you are carrying the torch of Oxomiya journalism high and bright in
> the international  field as Assam's representative.
> Thanks for sharing the appeal.  Even though I don't, as a rule, indulge in
> 'flag-waving'  of any kind and think of the pursuit in the same vein as how
> HG Wells viewed 'patriotism':* " A mere national self-assertion, a
> sentimentality of flag cheering, with no constructive duties",* I felt I
> owed a response since you were kind enough to send me a personal copy.
> It seems to me that a far more useful activity for those of you who are
> able, would be to analyze, inform and educate the people  about how such
> things as an armed insurgency came about from popular discontent brewing
> over decades  in Assam and has not subsided in spite of tens of thousands of
> Assamese lives taken and given by and to Indian military operations spanning
> a quarter century; what the much touted 'democratic' governments, past and
> present have done  ( or not done) to eradicate the causes of such discontent
> and how to hold what you all present to the world, by default, as the
> 'legitimate'  government accountable; offer achievable and sustainable
> solutions  instead of merely crying hoarse without anything to contribute.
> And if you are unable to that yourself, go seek out those who can and make
> use of  collective wisdom of the people who call Assam home, and help giving
> it the exposure from which the people can learn and act to change things for
> the better.
> That would be something meaningful.
> Best.
> cm
> At 6:22 AM +0000 8/12/07, Nava Thakuria wrote:
> We, the undersigned urge the people of Assam to
> celebrate the 60th anniversary of our Independence Day
> on August 15 in a befitting manner ignoring the
> threats that have come from certain quarters.
> We believe that we, the people of the State have every
> right to celebrate the Day, as we have inherited the
> spirit of the freedom fighters who had made immense
> sacrifices and a good number of whom, like Kushal
> Konwar and Kanaklata, had even laid down their lives
> to free the country from the clutches of colonial
> rulers. The Independence Day this time has added
> significance as it coincides with the birth centenary
> celebrations of martyr Bhagat Singh.
> We therefore, call upon the people of the State to
> hoist the National Tricolour on the Day atop their
> houses and also to organize community celebrations in
> their respective localities.
> On the Day, we will also hoist the National Flag on
> the Guwahati Press Club campus at 11a.m. So, it's our
> appeal to the people to join the programme and make it
> a success.
> Nirupama Borgohain,
> Dhirendra Nath Bezboruah
> Dhirendra Nath Chakravarty,
> Sushanta Talukdar,
> Bhupen Bargohain
> Ajit Patowary
> Rupam Baruah,
> Nava Thakuria,
> Ranen Kumar Goswami,
> Hiten Mahanta
> Ratna Bharali Talukdar
> Sabita Lahkar
> Girindra Kumar Karjee
> Mukul Kalita
> Dhanjit Kakoti
> Pramod Kalita
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