>>There are plenty of people --the ranks of  the
citizenry --- in the 
>>USA , far more than any place else on earth, who are
debating and resolving US problems and have been doing
it far longer 
>>than anybody else.

Really !! I thought you guys are more busy discussing
whom to attack next (after Vietnam, Iraq),  how to
meddle in internal affairs of Mayanmar, or, for some, 
how to work on destroying India.

>>But still more needs done, as they will always be.

So why not spend your valuable time to finish that.  

>>>But they ARE needed to delve into  Assam's problems
as caused by 
Indian dysfunction as well as by itself.

I thought Assam's problems can be best solved by
people of Assam NOT by people who NEVER intend to
return to Assam.

>> India's march towards super-powerdom on the backs
of the  rest left 
>to be exploited.

Another piece of wisdom coming from someone who got
educated on Indian/Assamese tax payers money and then
left India/Assam without ever bothering to return
anything except some pieces of advice.

>>I hope it would shed a tad bit of light on what
seems to leave so 
>>many true ambassadors of Assam  so discombobulated.

Heh-heh ... a good piece of wisdom from learned
ambassdor of Assam who readily blames GOI when
innocent Biharis (even Assmese) are killed  but has no
courage to put forward a similar argument when it
comes to 9/11.

Inspite of your immense Heart Burn,  India is marching
towards a superpower ... in fact your Uncle Sam too
understands it.

>>Allow me to divulge a little but closely-guarded

>>There are plenty of people --the ranks of  the
citizenry --- in the 
>>USA , far more than any place else on earth, who are
debating and resolving US problems and have been doing
it far longer 
>>than anybody else. But still more needs done, as
they will always be.

That is why Latter-day-Americans ( LDAs) of Assam
origins  don't need 
to spend all their available time delving into
American problems . 
But they ARE needed to delve into  Assam's problems as
caused by 
Indian dysfunction as well as by itself. For if they 
who know better 
( not all by any means) don't point out what is not
working , it will 
NOT be done by the 'mera-bharat-mahan' crowd, smug in
their 'unified' 
India's march towards super-powerdom on the backs of
the  rest left 
to be exploited.

It is not about a beauty contest. It takes equals or
near equals to 
engage in a beauty contest.

That is the difference.

  I know it won't reduce the heart-burn of those whose
mission is to 
safeguard  Assam for Indian exploitation  for all
times to come, but 
I hope it would shed a tad bit of light on what seems
to leave so 
many true ambassadors of Assam  so discombobulated.

At 7:44 AM -0700 10/1/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>Check this ---
>I am almost convinced this is a picture of India
>wrongly labelled.
>Afterall,  when Citizens of US  are more busy
>discussing  issues of India, I am sure all issues of
>US have already been resolved :)

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