At 10:15 AM -0700 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty wrote:
>Check the last para of this ---
>Looks like PCG too tried similar polls ....  not sure
>if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,

**** So does that therefore make assamtimes poll a scientific, 
representative and objective one?

If it does , because PCG too allegedly conducted one, then  should we 
NOT surmise that everyone
else ought to heed what PCG does or advise? Wouldn't that be the 
logical conclusion?

>  >BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of 
>(or even those who responded to PCG)
>are not a fair representation of Assam,

**** Do I need to explain that? If I do, it will certainly  mean that 
it will be an entirely wasted effort.

>can someone explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---

**** How about trying it yourself? Is it that hard a  task?

>  >the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the School 
>teachers who are killed by ULFA, the >traders whose business get 
>impacted because of regular
>bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened byULFA,  the 
>intellectuals (including AXX) who >discardthe idea of Sovereignty, 
>the NRAs ??????

*** Is that the best list of who consist of the people of Assam  you 
could come up with?

We can  see now why you ask the questions you do.

>PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)
>BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
> (or even those who responded to PCG)
>are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
>explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
>the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
>School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
>whose business get impacted because of regular
>bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
>ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
>the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??????
>>>Entirely faulty premise for the poll.
>>>WHO visits ? Are they a fair
>representation of Assam's polity?
>>>If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple
>an issue as this,
>what will anybody learn from it?
>At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
>>please take part in the opinion poll going on in
>>Nayanjyoti Medhi
>>Gauhati High Court
>>Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
>>Guwahati-781001, Assam
>>+91 361 2416960
>>+91 94350 43007
>><mailto:nayanjyoti.medhi at
>>nayanjyoti.medhi at
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