At 1:00 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
@@@@ That it be preceded by a reasonable period of free and unfettered discussion and debate among the people of Assam about the whys and of the pros and cons of
        sovereignty for Assam, so that  people can make an informed judgement.

######## Reasonable period means? would you be more specific? Should I presume that 29 years are not reasonable enough for you? And people of Assam have not discussed and debated about the pros and cons? C Da, I am, what do you say? ........ Sorry, could not find the proper word. maybe you could find one for me and substitute.

**** How about YOU giving it a try? How long do you think is reasonable? A week, five, three months, a year ? Surely Indian intelligentsia know nothing about our troubles and care less . And Assam intelligentsia , steeped in that culture of dependency is clueless, more afraid of their xaandoh-khowa-baali-tol-jwa than give two hoots about trying to find an honorable, just and sustainable solution for what it cries itself hoarse but would not lift a finger to do something constructive.

So , show YOUR mettle Nayan. Can you put your money where your mouth is, with the courage of your convictions ?

        @@@@ That it be conducted under UN supervision.

####### UN supervision is quite acceptable. I mean to me and I presume to all. Can't say anything about the Government though. Not really concerned about the government as they have failed to provide the necessary security and peace for the development of the region.

**** If the government is representative of the people and is accountable to it, it must abide by the popular wish. So challenge it, or blow its cover exposing it for what it is.

But can you? Will you?

Or would you too succumb to excuses like Ram recounted?

On 10/11/07, Chan Mahanta <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 12:01 AM +0530 10/11/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

see i told you C Da will barge in. anyway,

**** You seem to have a serious misconception about who can and who can't or when one can participate here in a discussion or debate. I don't need an invitation to join in on one. I can barge in on it any time I choose to. Just as you too can.

You need to remember Nayan, that I also have another responsibility, albeit a self-imposed one, here: Of serving as a logic detector. With the preponderance of absurd and illogical arguments here presented by people who could be expected to know better, day-in and day-out , someone needs to point them out.

maybe a plebiscite is not a bad idea at all. atleast let the whole world know what people really want in assam. assamese people who stay in assam, work in assam, have their families in assam, live here and die here. they should be the ones to decide what they want. i fully agree with C da. let there be a plebiscite. but before that it should be gauranteed by all concerned that people's wishes will be respected.

**** I agree wholeheartedly, with all of the above. But in addition to that we need a couple of other conditions attached:

@@@@ That it be preceded by a reasonable period of free and unfettered discussion and debate among the people of Assam about the whys and of the pros and cons of
        sovereignty for Assam, so that  people can make an informed judgement.

        @@@@ That it be conducted under UN supervision.

**** It will be an effective way to bring the nearly thirty year long conflict to an end, which I like to think all sincere and honorable people want and aim for. Since ULFA has declared more than once, that it will abide by it; to find excuses for not doing it will be a most insincere and dishonorable pursuit, designed to promote interests of India over Assam's.

So, will you lead the effort in Assam to generate public opinion for it? I will back you up any way I can.

On 10/10/07, Chan Mahanta <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put an end to the speculations, wouldn't it?

Why even bother about Assam Public Works' house to house interrogation poll?

At 11:55 AM -0600 10/10/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

Jeeez.. only 5% support sovereignty and this movement? Thats bad even from a poll that one doesn't trust.

It is encouraging to note that that some 43% sent in their votes thru surface mail.

Any reasons why the PCG did not publish the results? Also, does this result in any way match up with those conducted by the Assam Public Works (or Service) group?


On 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

yes, i read the report. but now that you have pointed it out, you can be rest assured that somebody (C Da) will deny the authenticity of that report. i am reproducing the relevant paragraph below for easy access. you can also see the editorial in <> and comment. i wrote that on request of the webmaster.

<>Assam journalists condemn ULFA threat to editors

June 15, 2006 | Newswatch Desk | Newswatch

LAST TWO PARAGRAPHS OF THE ARTICLE ------->"The nine-member PCG, formed on September 8, 2005, includes engineer Mukul Mahanta, journalists Ajit Bhuyan, Haider Hussain and Diganta Konwar, medic Brajen Gogoi, advocate Arup Borbora, advisor to the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Parishad Dilip Patgiri, advisor to the Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti Lachit Bordoloi, and sports organiser Hiranya Saikia. Litterateur Indira Raisom Goswami and former footballer player Rebati Phukan act as facilitators, and maintain links between the government and the consultative group.

Shortly after it was formed, the group asked people of the state to express their opinion about the peace process. About 5,670 people responded to that survey of which 1,500 odd were through SMS, another 1,700 through e-mails, and rest through land mail. The results of the survey were not announced Amar Asom exposed it. The result, according to the newspaper, only 300 or so people supported ULFA and its cause, while the rest voiced their opinion in the negative."

On 10/10/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Check the last para of this ---

Looks like PCG too tried similar polls ....  not sure
if the pollsters were uneducated and  "IMMATURE,

PCG was too shy to publish the results :-)

BTW, while it is fair to assume that visitors of
<> (or even those who responded to PCG)
are not a fair representation of Assam, can someone
explain WHO forms a fair representation of Assam  ---
the villagers who lynch ULFA every now and then,  the
School teachers who are killed by ULFA, the traders
whose business get impacted because of regular
bombblast,  the journalists who are threatened by
ULFA,  the intellectuals (including AXX) who discard
the idea of Sovereignty,  the NRAs ??????

Entirely faulty premise for the poll.

WHO visits <> ? Are they a fair
representation of Assam's polity?

If the pollsters are as uneducated about as simple
an issue as this,
what will anybody learn from it?


At 12:47 AM +0530 10/10/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:
please take part in the opinion poll going on in
< <>><>

Nayanjyoti Medhi

Gauhati High Court

 >Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

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Nayanjyoti Medhi
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