I thought the insanity here was spewed by someone else who, being clueless about simple high-school geography , unaware of the direction of the main monsoons that bring rains to the NE, went on to assert:

Those with slightest knowledge of monsoon rains in India would know----- The winds continue >westwards and causing floods in usually desert areas .

What is this? Some new desi climatology? That the southwest monsoons, not being able to unload its moisture in the NE, swerves back to the west in a sudden acute angle move and go drop its load in Rajasthan?

For your info, the monsoons that bring rains to Assam, is different from the one that brings rains to the Western Ghats or to Rajasthan or to Delhi and farther up. It is not the one that does a left-right-left-right and about -turn from Assam. Westrern/northwestern Indian monsoons don't happen until later June and early July, whereas the NE area monsoons arrive almost a month earlier.

No, it is not because it takes that much time to take an about turn from Assam and marching thru the Gangetic plains arrives in Rajasthan a month later.

At 7:04 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:

I expected something more sane from you. You are debating about a non issue - does it matter whether the wind come from St Louis , Missouri (your house) to reach Assam. The moot point is Assam has very less flood time - only a week!!!!!! Which is blown out of proportion by those who sy if flood is not tacled Assam cannot develop.

Any pearls of wisdom from a supporter of ULFA like yourself. May I remind you ULFA is branded a terrorist organization by USA in 2005.

How very patriotic of you!!!


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: [Assam] Fish market- Assam's queer trade/ warming - Fl
>Those with slightest knowledge of monsoon rains in India would know that warm moisture laden winds >flow inwards towards Assam and rest of NE India in Spring onwards

Does Umesh the renowned, Harvard trained climatologist know what the direction of the monsoon winds that bring rains to Assam and the contiguous region are? Can he explain how it turns towards the west all of a sudden? It would be very interesting to learn.

But something tells me we will be deprived of that bit of Rajasthani  science.

At 3:39 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:


While discussing with Ahsan-da Aziz the maker of the film http://www.sonam.net.tc/
I learnt many things which might surprise some .

For one despite having ample water Assam imports fish from South India - strange trade. The eggs are hatched in Assam , roe (young little fish) are raised in Assam's fish farm - then they are sent to Andhra Pradesh where they grwo and then brought all the way back to be sold in Guwahati's fish markets ( a regular place where ULFA places the bombs and kills civilians and also at the vegetable market).

About floods I am told it is a week long activity in Assam - only one week!! or ten days - and that due to global warming the moisture is transported to deserts of Rajasthan which are seeing unheard of floods in areas which never received any rains at all. Cherapoonji - world's wettest place has seen no rains since all that rainwater has shifted onwards to drop on Mumbai causing massive unheard of floods.

Those with slightest knowledge of monsoon rains in India would know that warm moisture laden winds flow inwards towards Assam and rest of NE India in Spring onwards and when they reach Himalayas they rise higher and cool down to form rain. Now it doesn't cool down enough so no rain for NE India for past 2 years. (which have seen ground water disappear over the years due to excessive population and irrigation) thus I am sure thse guys are not complaing about unheard of floods.


Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C.

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C.

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
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Class of 2005

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