At 8:28 PM -0500 10/15/07, kamal deka wrote:
>In my humble opinion,it is the system of governance in Assam that 
>needs overhauling in toto.

****  I agree wholeheartedly Kamal. I also know you are one of a very 
few in this forum who realizes that. That brings the question of HOW 
Assam will accomplish that? Or for that matter India? Had India 
demonstrated an ability to address the issues that  have been 
spawning insurgencies , rebellions or whatsmacallits across the 
length and breadth of its boundaries, it won't be in the mess it is 

>Moreover,to all intents and purposes,sovereignty is an unattainable 
>goal.Why chase wild goose ?

**** That, Kamal I don't agree with. For a simple reason: Humanity 
would not be where it is today, if others before us  had given up 
without a struggle.

>Sovereignty will not be able to cast any magic spell in the over-all 
>development of Assam unless there is a sea-change in the system of 
>governance,currently in place out there.

**** Kamal, you have to be realistic: Sovereignty is only a first 
step. It is not the end. It  became essential, ONLY because of 
India's incapability  or unwillingness or both to respond to its 
constituents' crying needs.  You cannot depend on India for anything, 
other than to bribe your leaders into submission. But it controls ALL 
the significant powers of state while professing to be a federal 
republic.  A more bald-faced lie I cannot imagine. Truth is they 
don't even KNOW the meaning of the words they speak. Just look at our 
own forum here.

>Hope,I have made some sense.

**** You do indeed make a whole lot more sense most amongst are 
willing or have the courage to admit. But that is NOT enough Kamal.


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