At 11:49 PM -0500 10/13/07, kamal deka wrote:
The GOI has similarly been willing to hold parleys with ULFA in order to hammer out a solution within the ambit of the Constitution.What is wrong with that ?

**** It is a surreal proposition, that's what. Its like asking, 'Please come let us talk, but not about what you have been fighting for'.

Is that a deal-maker or what ?

On 10/13/07, Chan Mahanta <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The big vacuum of reason here I see is  this:

IF, Assam's OWNERS, I mean other those who sit in Dilli , so wish for an end to hostilities and can't figure out HOW, and if ULFA, the villains, declare that they will abide by the verdict of the people for whose sovereignty they gave nearly 15,000 Oxomiya lives over
        29 years, then would it NOT make eminent sense to hold one?

What am I missing here? Would it be sincerity of purpose ( of a hope for peace), or is that yet another
display , albeit unintended, attempt to to have it both ways?

At 3:57 AM +0100 10/14/07, uttam borthakur wrote:

Living in a cave does not exclude the yearning or formation of wisdom as Plato would ask us to believe.

The right to self-determination should not be denied to any people. But the question is: how the stage is to be assessed where a plebiscite becomes imperative. Simply because ULFA says that, should it be held? That NSCN or other outfits have claimed parts of the present Assam, should a plebiscite be held for that purpose in the disputed areas? In that case there would be no end to plebiscite and that is a very impractical thing. Then we will have to divide Assam to the size of the city states and have to decide every issue through citizens' vote! Now we have to assess whether the stage has come. I request everyone here or otherwise to find an objective measure of assessment. Moreover, could not the protagonists of secession consider building up of the opinion without training their guns on the people of Assam on the pretext of they being spies of the 'state' etc? The covert organisations always fall prey to the guiles of the 'state' they fight by killing their own due to suspicion and sometimes intra-organisational feud. Better they do things under the sun taking people as their forte rather than ineffectual guns.

If the majority of the people feel that they should protect themselves with guns, I would not oppose that. But the people do not need a few to 'protect' and/or'kill' some of them on whimsy on the pleas of mistaken identity, cross-fire etc.

kamal deka <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rubi Bhuyan and the people of his/her ilk must be living in a cave,totally detached from the ground realities of Assam.They are merely prodding at the body of ' sovereignty' without knowing what it is all about---like children at a new toy in the market showroom.Rubi Bhuyan's point of view expressed in the Assam Net is of no consequence as far as I am concerned.

I respectfully disagree with Mr.Nayanjyoti Medhi's opinion,voiced in this forum in regard to holding a plebiscite in Assam focusing solely on the sovereignty issue as demanded by the ULFA,who are itching to break-up a 60-year-old kaleidoscopic federation.Why do we have to hold a referendum,buckling under the pressure of an outfit that has been outlawed by the Government ? Is Assam an exclusive preserve of the ULFA ? The right to self-determination,if allowed in Assam,would then be reduced to a series of voting exorcises,conducted every 10 years or so in order to meet the demand of the new generation,at whose whim the border of a country could be defined and redefined.It will not be very difficult to imagine the chaos,it would create in a polyglot,multi-ethnic and multi-religious state as Assam's,if such recipe were to be applied state-wide as a solution.

Kamal J Deka


On 10/13/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Rubi,

I thought since you have been following my postings in Assam online and Assamnet, You would be enlightened as to what, I as an Assamese would want for me and my fellowmen. But it saddens me because, maybe the one interacting with me and the one following my posts are probably not the same person. If both were the same person, then you would not have written this to me. Even if you ask Chandan Mahanta, he will tell you that I have been one of the few in Assamnet who has been advocating against the kiling of our own brothers and sisters. Whether it is in Bhutan, Burma, Arunachal or in their own backyards. I have even gone on record saying that there should be a plebiscite. Preferably a independent one where the Government agencies has no part/role to play. I had requested only one condition that there should be a guarantee that the people's wishes should be respected. I am on record that i have been advocating against killing. of innocents and others equally. But then how would you know. You are not the one following the posts. However I would suggest that you see the postings in Assamnet put there by me few days back. You will find that it is me who wrote that there should be a plebiscite because a very miniscule portion of the masses have access to internet and their views here do not reflect the view of the masses. And that is the very reason why I requested you (ULFA) to go to the masses in the last post as well as in my reply to the letter written by you to Shantikam Hazarika, a copy of which was also sent to me.

**** Instead of discussing how such an environment be created, saying that the United Nations won't agree to a plebiscite, is not like plucking a solution from the thin air?

****You have put emphasis on the changes the administration has brought in.

Pray tell me when and where did I make the statement that United Nations won't agree to a plebiscite. And one thing more. I have never emphasised on the changes the administration has bought in. Again, I ask you, When and where did I say that? Infact I have gone on record saying that I am disgusted with both the Government and you (see my reply to C Da's post) because neither has done anything for peace and progress of Assam (I have not seen any results in 28 years, I have become a man from 4 months old baby).


P.S: Please ask Chandan Da not to barge in and write a hilarious reply to what i have written coz i won't reply then.

On 10/13/07, ulfa_ 1979April7 <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Dear Nayanjyoti Medhi,

We have read your comments in AssamOnline. You wrote," "Times have changed. The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps with mosquitoes and malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian security forces, and no real destination in sight. To the mainstream Assamese the ULFA is no longer a struggle for national salvation but one that keeps normal life disturbed. Is it not the time to rethink and ask the people what they want? The ULFA should ask the people if the Assamese people see the ULFA movement as a beneficial and healthy activity for the betterment of the Assamese people? Do the Assamese people really feel they are not part of India and are being exploited by New Delhi?

Now the final question is that whether The ULFA movement is something that is wanted by the people of Assam and supported by them or is it something which is being imposed on them." We find that your statement is a mere repetition of what the unified command structure has been saying for the last twenty eight years. We do not accept such views. The colonial administration has been trying to steer the fate of the liberation struggle of Asom to their liking for the past 28 years. You have put emphasis on the changes the administration has brought in. But, why the struggle by thousands of freedom fighters in a tough situation created by fifth columnists facing uncertain future is still ongoing has not been highlighted by you?

The ULFA has admitted of civilian casuality in unfortunate circumstances(viz suddenly appearing during firing) while conducting operations against the enemy. Anticipating such casualities we have publicly requested people not to be with the occupation forces or in close proximity of the military camps or otherwise.

The murder of engineer Ajay Deka and the old woman Sabitri Rajbangshi has proven again our contention that the unified command structure has been involved in these crimes in a planned manner to malign the ULFA. Some may not believe our position, but, they should not believe the unified command structure's assertions either. You are talking about people supporting the unified structure but there is no mention of the need for independent inquiry into their operations leading to human suffering and deaths. Hence we find your views biased.

We are saying that there are masses who want an independent Asom. We have demanded a plebiscite on the restoration of Asom's sovereignty under the supervision of the United Nations. We have declared long time ago that we shall accept the verdict of the people. Pre-judging of a possible negative outcome of such a plebiscite conducted in a environment fee of fear, surely is not devoid of prejudices? Instead of discussing how such an environment be created, saying that the United Nations won't agree to a plebiscite, is not like plucking a solution from the thin air? Why do you have to be dependent on whether India will agree to it or not? Without gauzing the true depth what the majority of people of Asom wants, based on a opinion poll conducted at the behest of the army and the police and use of the internet voting available only o some town dwellers, you suggest be the decisive verdict on the fate of the land and the people?

 Is it not very childish to talk like this?

With warm wishes

Rubi Bhuyan

"Nayanjyoti Medhi" <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]


28 years have gone by since the start of the liberation struggle by the United Liberation Front of Assam. Many boys have died and their bodies rest in unmarked graves in jungles of Bhutan, Arunachal, Myanmar and still many have died in their own backyards. Many are languishing in the different jails all throughout Assam . Many have surrendered and joined the mainstream. Not only the boys, with them many civilians who did not have anything to do with liberation have given their lives in this ongoing struggle between the state and the liberation army.

United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) was formed on April 7, 1979 at the Rang Ghar in Sibsagar to establish a "sovereign socialist Assam" through an armed struggle. Of course, there was an initial euphoria and an unnaturally heightened sense of alienation because of the step motherly attitude of the Indian Government in the initial stages of the movement. The truth has since been gradually realised and that sense of alienation has died.

Times have changed. The boys are disillusioned after living in jungle camps with mosquitoes and malaria, killing, avoiding the bullets of the Indian security forces, and no real destination in sight. To the mainstream Assamese the ULFA is no longer a struggle for national salvation but one that keeps normal life disturbed. Is it not the time to rethink and ask the people what they want? The ULFA should ask the people if the Assamese people see the ULFA movement as a beneficial and healthy activity for the betterment of the Assamese people? Do the Assamese people really feel they are not part of India and are being exploited by New Delhi?

Now the final question is that whether The ULFA movement is something that is wanted by the people of Assam and supported by them or is it something which is being imposed on them.

Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007

<> nayanjyoti.medhi@


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Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007


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