Just because a document resides in the US LIbrary of Congress does 
not in any way, shape or form guarantee its accuracy,  veracity , 
usefulness or any such other quality.

It is like a storage vault, a library. In a library you can get works 
of genius as well as unadulterated garbage.

Is that hard to imagine, that you would  argue the point?

About the issue involved does it need high scientific training to 
imagine that the SW Monsoons  that travel to Assam  retraces its 
steps because there was no one home to receive the order?  So it 
returns to the west and go deliver it in Dilli?

What kind of a moron would argue such a point, tell me?

At 8:26 AM -0700 10/18/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty wrote:
>  >>**** Yet another PSEUDO scientific account,  of the
>>>tanker truck
>>>driver.  But if you want to stake your monsoon
>>>expertise on it, so be
>I am not an expert in Monsoon and in fact my school
>knowledge had been like what is mentioned by you
>(Western Ghat and Eastern Ghat).
>However,  the piece of info which has been cited by
>Umesh is Originally from "Library of Congress" --
>Shall we consider this as "Yet another PSEUDO
>scientific account" ???  Or perhaps LoC hired some  ad
>agency copywriter who probably graduated
>from a desi school/college sporting the name of some
>Christian saint ?
>>The southwest monsoon occurs in two branches. After
>breaking on the
>>southern part of the Peninsula in early June, the
>branch known as
>>the Arabian Sea monsoon reaches Bombay around June
>10, and it has
>>settled over most of South Asia by late June,
>bringing cooler but
>>more humid weather. The other branch, known as the
>Bay of Bengal
>>monsoon, moves northward in the Bay of Bengal and
>spreads over most
>>of Assam by the first week of June. On encountering
>the barrier of
>>the Great Himalayan Range, it is deflected westward
>along the
>>Indo-Gangetic Plain toward New Delhi. Thereafter the
>two branches
>>merge as a single current bringing rains to the
>remaining parts of
>>North India in July.
>>>**** Yet another PSEUDO scientific account,  of the
>>>tanker truck
>>>driver.  But if you want to stake your monsoon
>>>expertise on it, so be
>At 8:17 PM -0700 10/17/07, umesh sharma wrote:
>>"The other branch, known as the Bay of Bengal
>monsoon, moves
>>northward in the Bay of Bengal and spreads over most
>of Assam by the
>>first week of June. On encountering the barrier of
>the Great
>>Himalayan Range, it is deflected westward along the
>>Plain toward New Delhi. Thereafter the two branches
>merge as a
>>single current bringing rains to the remaining parts
>of North India
>>in July."  Source of the website info is CIA
>WorldFact Book and
>>Library of Congress -USA
>>Chan Mahanta <cmahanta at charter.net> wrote:
>>Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global Warming -- Fish
>market- As
>>>   >US: A reasonable person would assume that only
>when you move from
>>>one place to the >other one would arrive!!
>>*** That is very deep . And I am not going to go near
>>philosophical  sounding sewage pit, where one could
>drown in BS.
>>   >US: OK we don't have exact wind pattern graphs
>showing how the
>>wind behaves after raining down on >Guwahati - where
>does that
>>molecule of oxygen go after its has seen a drop of
>water drop down
>>on the >flooded Guwahati -- but  is it beyond
>imagination to see
>>from the map  ..I  conclude that  YOU only >studied
>about what
>>happened  when  clouds entered  Assam  - but not
>AFTER they  left  .
>>*** Well, exact smachxact. How about an approximate
>one? Do you know
>>that?  If you don't, go look at the website I sent
>the URL of on day
>>one in your climatological saga  where you are
>running in place like
>>a gerbil on a treadmill. I mean the site you called
>pathetic. BTW
>>why was it pathetic? No nice pictures, only diagrams?
>Or did you not
>>like the prose?
>>Molecule of Oxygen ? What , have you been studying
>Chemistry too  at
>>Wiki U? Where does the O2 molecule appear from? Does
>monsoon rains
>>split an H2O molecule to O2 and H also in Assam? That
>is a Nobel
>>Prize winning discovery you just made U. Next only to
>the perpetual
>>motion machine of yore. Now they can compress the
>monsoon freed O2
>>for industrial use and the H for pollution free
>automobiles, just by
>>going to Assam and tapping the rainwater byproduct!
>>I don't know what to do with you Umesh.
>Desi-pseudo-education has
>>royally s****d up your mind so much so that even a
>whole year at
>>Harvard can't salvage it.
>>   >OK tell me where does the rain-laden clouds go
>when the entire NE
>>region suffers drought - and >western India -normally
>a desert has
>>***  Allow me to help out here: It is quite simple.
>The moisture
>>laden winds that go towards Assam but cannot unload
>the water does
>>NOT happen at all. If it did go there it WOULD RAIN!
>Get it?
>>What happens is that due to the changing weather
>patterns, global
>>warming and what-have-you, the wind patterns CHANGE!
>The high and
>>low pressure areas that generate the monsoon winds
>shift from their
>>usual positions. The monsoon winds that would
>normally head from the
>>Bay of Bengal towards the Brahmaputra valley do not
>go there at all.
>>Instead they go north-westward and rain the heck out
>over Dilli and
>>Rajasthan, combined with the monsoons that originate
>over the
>>Arabian sea.
>>It does NOT work  like the tanker truck driver
>doubling back on its
>>delivery route, like you understood from the
>>account at Wiki U.
>>I realize you did not have what it takes to
>understand these things.
>>But you are not special here. Lot of people are not
>attuned to such
>>things. It ain't no abject failure, nor is it a sin.
>>Where you messed up was in attempting to set yourself
>us as someone
>>who knows a lot  about the monsoons, merely from the
>>readings of an Wiki account written not by a
>scientifically trained
>>person but perhaps by an ad agency copywriter who
>probably graduated
>>from a desi school/college sporting the name of some
>Christian saint.
>>I hope that helps, and hope you learned a lesson
>never to forget.
>>At 8:36 PM -0700 10/16/07, umesh sharma wrote:
>>>***Do you even know the basic mechanism of how these
>monsoon winds
>>>carry water and why or where they unload them?  Do
>you know how the
>>>Western Ghats or the Aravalli ranges affect the
>monsoon rain
>>>patterns in Western and North Western India , that
>an ordinary high
>>>school kid ought to know  like WE did about the
>Himalayas, the Garo
>>>and Khasi Hills and so forth?
>>>which shows that on June 1 South West monsoon Bay of
>Bengal branch
>>>simultaneously enter Kerala in the South and Imphal
>in NE India and
>>>then moves northwest wards reaching Delhi bu July 1.
>>>***** Those are not monsoon wind patterns for crying
>out loud! 
>>>They are date of arrival graphs.
>>>US: A reasonable person would assume that only when
>you move from
>>>one place to the other one would arrive!!
>>>***Do you even read maps, graphs etc.? Sheeesh!!
>>>US: OK we don't have exact wind pattern graphs
>showing how the wind
>>>behaves after raining down on Guwahati - where does
>that molecule
>>>of oxygen go after its has seen a drop of water drop
>down on the
>>>flooded Guwahati -- but  is it beyond imagination to
>see from the
>>>map  ..I  conclude that  YOU only studied about what
>happened  when
>>>clouds entered  Assam  - but not  AFTER they  left
>>>OK tell me where does the rain-laden clouds go when
>the entire NE
>>>region suffers drought - and western India -normally
>a desert has
>>>floods. I would put two and two together (as did
>>>Ashsan-da Aziz of Assam invited by National
>Geographic Society of
>>>DC and Hollywood to show his geographic rich movie
>>>) - from the given map below --- someone less
>innovative would keep
>>>crying for more info.
>>Chan Mahanta <cmahanta at charter.net> wrote:
>>Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global Warming -- Fish
>market- As
>>You are right A .
>>VERY irritated :-)!
>>He keeps arguing , like another one of our friends
>here, even after
>>being shown  what he is missing.
>>And then you all get mad at me for using strong words
>>At 2:40 PM -0500 10/16/07, Alpana B. Sarangapani
>>>Hi C'da:
>>>How are you doing?
>>>You really sound like an irritated 'iskool-mastor'
>today who
>>>believes in tough-love when it comes to teach/treat
>his students.
>>"In order to make spiritual progress you must be
>patient like a tree
>>and humble like a blade of grass"
>>Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 14:16:58 -0500
>>To: umesh.sh05 at post.harvard.edu; assam at
>>From: cmahanta at charter.net
>>Subject: Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global Warming --
>Fish market-
>>Assam's queer trade/ warming - Flood week fest -
>Sonam film maker
>>.ExternalClass blockquote, .ExternalClass dl,
>.ExternalClass ul,
>>.ExternalClass ol, .ExternalClass li
>>At 8:35 PM -0700 10/15/07, umesh sharma wrote:
>>OK try this map:
>>**** I did. It showed the DATES of monsoon's onset in
>various parts of India.
>>Did this show the monsoon wind directions that would
>have validated
>>your expert opinion on how the SW monsoons  visiting
>Assam  and the
>>NE doubles back , unable to unload its moisture where
>intended; over
>>to the Gangetic plains and on to finally unload it in
>Rajasthan and
>>Delhi; like you
>>learned from your long studies at the world renowned
>Wiki U ?
>>Do you even know the basic mechanism of how these
>monsoon winds
>>carry water and why or where they unload them?  Do
>you know how the
>>Western Ghats or the Aravalli ranges affect the
>monsoon rain
>>patterns in Western and North Western India , that an
>ordinary high
>>school kid ought to know  like WE did about the
>Himalayas, the Garo
>>and Khasi Hills and so forth?
>>which shows that on June 1 South West monsoon Bay of
>Bengal branch
>>simultaneously enter Kerala in the South and Imphal
>in NE India and
>>then moves northwest wards reaching Delhi bu July 1.
>>***** Those are not monsoon wind patterns for crying
>out loud!  They
>>are date of arrival graphs.
>>Do you even read maps, graphs etc.? Sheeesh!!
>>Chan Mahanta <cmahanta at charter.net> wrote:
>>Re: [Assam] Monsoons and Global Warming -- Fish
>market- As
>>At 8:32 PM -0700 10/14/07, umesh sharma wrote:
>>You can trust me on this one -- the weblink you sent
>me is really
>>pathetic and half baked.
>>**** Really? Awright! You are the expert, I am just a
>>So why don't you tell us what your conclusion is:
>>          Do you UMesh, a shining graduate of
>>of Wiki U, therefore stand
>>          behind the notion , that those little
>tankers carrying
>>monsoon moisture to Assam
>>          and the  contiguous areas , finding no one
>in the receiving
>>rooms, double back on their
>>          sales route down the Brahmaputra valley on
>to the  Gangetic
>>plains inhabited by
>>          poor Indians unable to pay for merchandise,
>go on to Delhi
>>and Rajasthan to deliver their
>>          loads a month later?
>>Is that what you learned?
>>I know I won't get an answer to the question, but
>since you can't
>>see what stared you on  your face; the website I sent
>a link for,
>>showed the monsoon wind patterns that generate  from
>the Bay of
>>Bengal and the Arabian sea.  It also showed the high
>and low
>>pressure points in the south Asian region that
>usually cause  the
>>monsoon wind patterns that are considered NORMAL.
>>The Wiki account , more than likely was written by a
>>non-scientist. You, read it literally, like
>fundamentalists reads
>  >their scriptures.
>>The wind patterns  that cause what cause rains in NE
>and  the  West
>>ands North Indian regions are different, even though
>they overlap.
>>And the URL of the Indian meteorological  dept. that
>you sent
>>triumphantly, does not tell anyone what the monsoon
>wind patterns
>>are . It merely tells us when  monsoon arrives  in
>different parts
>>of India.
>>Some expert you are!
>>Umesh Sharma
>>Washington D.C.
>>1-202-215-4328 [Cell]
>>Ed.M. - International Education Policy
>>Harvard Graduate School of Education,
>>Harvard University,
>>Class of 2005
>>http://www.uknow.gse.harvard.edu/index.html (Edu
>>http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ (Management Info)
>>www.gse.harvard.edu/iep (where the above 2 are used )
>>For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit
>>Good this month.
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