Hey Rubi,

Good to know you can do math -- I was testing you  :-). 

So one more question - if you killed 10,000 civilians since 1979 -- thats how 
many per day?

Glad you accept on behalf of ULFA that ULFA killed all these prominent 
civilians including the 67 Biharis last year. Till now ULFA has been hiding 
behind trees.  

Some people tell me there are 3 persons writing as Rubi - on Assam Net . It 
would be more brave of you if you could give us your picture -- just like we 
all know about Osama Bin Laden's pic. Helps put a face on terror - I think you 
wont mind since you like free publicity so much  :-)  

Thats another test for you -- if you hide behind masks and shoot unarmed people 
from behind there backs - there can be no greater coward than you. Remove the 
mask and let the world see the face of Rubi Bhuyan the ULFA publicity chief -- 
or are you a fake --- some mischief maker trying to speak for ULFA.
Show your face -- tell us where you grew up and your pic. Have the courage.


ulfa_ 1979April7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Dear Sharma,

We said you can come to us for re-education.
We were also planning a syllabus for you
But we are modifying that
You will  now begin learning arithmetic- subtraction
India was told to become independant in 1947.
ULFA  formed in 1979--after the Assamese  Waited and
watched  for32 years.
You-AFTER Harvard took a long time to find outthat we-
It does raise a question that why after 22 years of
India's Independence (1947)  suddenly out of the blue
ULFA was formed in 1979 -
 And thanks for the free publicity again about killing
prominent world leaders

--- umesh sharma  wrote:

> Ruby,
> Come and join your ULFA fellow members in Indan jail
> and there get an education which will cure you.
> Healing will take more time. It seems thats the only
> way you will improve -- in a correctional facility
> or penitentiary - the other names for jails.
> Umesh
> ulfa_ 1979April7 
> wrote: 
> Cear Hazarika,
> You also like Umesh Sharma batter you join World
> Bank-
> your next door  OR
> Go back to Jaipur to teach some primary sdchool OR
> Come to us-we will reeducate you to re-educate
> Indian
> Politicians.
> Rubi
> --- shantikam hazarika 
> wrote:
> > 
> > It is intriguing that Arabinda Rajkhowa has
> > responded to a World Bank study, not to queries
> > raised by his own kith and kin. If his contention
> > would have been correct, there would have been
> > widespread support to their movement. Patriotism
> and
> > faith in sovereignty and independence driving
> youths
> > to the "struggle" (actually killing of innocent
> > lives and renegating Assam's growth and
> development)
> > is too far fetched to carry any conviction.
> > Parroting 'colonialism, colonialism' is now
> outdated
> > and even the communists have discarded this word
> > long ago.
> > 
> > Shantikam Hazarika
> > Director, 
> > Assam Institute of Management
> > PO Box 30, GUWAHATI 781001, India
> > HOME PAGE: www.aimguwahati.edu.in 
> > 
> > 
> > Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 09:55:23 +0000From:
> > Bartta Bistar  wrote:
> > TOP STORIESConflict in Assam works in nexus with
> > weak economy:World Bank
> >
> > REJOINDERThe above article posted by one
> ‘IE’
> > onassamnet.org on October 23 is obviously an
> attempt
> > tomanipulate the study titled “Who Benefits
> > fromCivil Wars? Some Evidence from Assam”,
> > reportedto have been carried out for the World
> Bank,
> > so as toundermine the historic reasons for the
> > nationalstruggle to regain the sovereign
> > independence of Asom.Quoting from the World Bank
> > report, may be out ofcontext, about the
> “direct
> > nexus” betweenthe Asom-India conflict and a
> > ‘weakeconomy’ betrays the ulterior
> to
> > divertthe core issue of our sovereignty and
> > independence tothat of a ‘weak
> implying
> > therebythat effective measures to strengthen the
> > economy willtake the wind out of our struggle.
> > Certainly, as hadhappened in any colonial
> situation,
> > the percentage ofunemployment in Asom is also very
> > high under Indiancolonial occupation. But this
> does
> > not necessarilyundermine the primary importance of
> > the historicreasons that propels our struggle
> > forward, though thecolonial economy convince our
> > people that the nationalstruggle is also their
> > struggle for existence.Therefore, the primary
> source
> > of motivation for theyouth of Asom impelling them
> > join the nationalstruggle is patriotism and the
> > faith in oursovereignty and independence. A weak
> > economy and theresultant unemployment and
> corruption
> > are generalphenomenon in any colonial situation.
> As
> > such, it isthe colonial situation that gave rise
> to
> > the nationalliberation struggle of Asom, not just
> > the“direct nexus” between
> the“conflict” and the
> > “weakeconomy”.
> >  
> > Arabinda Rajkhowa
> > Chairman
> > ULFA
> > 03/11/07
> >  
> > ----------------------seems god article.HS article
> > on the same topic - not specific to Assamthat if
> > enough groups in large enough numbers anddifferent
> > ethicities exists - such problems are
> morepronounced
> > -- 97% Han Chinese China has no suchproblem -
> (side
> > note: -- I have a Chinese roommate-says there are
> > elephants in China)umeshBartta Bistar
> >  wrote: TOP
> > STORIESConflict in Assam works in nexus with weak
> > economy:World Bank
> >
> > IE Tuesday October 23, 01:45 AM The on-going
> > conflict in Assam, that claimed over4,400 lives
> > between 1992 and 2001, has a "directnexus" with a
> > weak economy, making it easier formilitant groups
> to
> > find "young recruits", a studycarried out under
> the
> > aegis of World Bank hasconfirmed. The study titled
> > "Who benefits from Civil Wars? Someevidence from
> > Assam", pointed out that unemployment,especially
> > among the youth, showed disturbing trendsin the
> > 1990s, which in turn had adverse implicationsfor
> the
> > persistence of conflict. "The number of unemployed
> > youths in Assam registeredsharpest rise among 15
> > major states, between 1983 and1993," the report
> > said, pointing out that by 1993-94(when Army
> > operations against militants were in fullswing),
> > "the number of unemployed youths in Assam wasabout
> > three times higher than the rest of India". The
> > argument of "easy recruitment" of potential
> rebelsis
> > indirectly supported by this data, the study
> > said.The study was carried for the World Bank by
> > DeepaNarayan, Binayak Sen and Ashutosh Varshney.
> The
> > study also pointed out that though there
> wereseveral
> > historic reasons behind the on-going conflictin
> the
> > state, the employment situation
> > severelydeteriorated, particularly in the rural
> > areas, duringthe course of the conflict. "Though
> the
> > level of ruralunemployment had been lower than
> that
> > in urban areasduring the year of conflict, it is
> in
> > the rural areasthat the sharpest increase in
> > unemployment wasrecorded," the study revealed. The
> > rural population was more affected during
> > theintensified phase of conflict between 1983 and
> > 1993,the report said, with statistics showing that
> > thenumber of rural poor increased sharply from
> 73.53
> > lakhin 1987-88 to 94.33 lakh in 1993-94. There
> have
> > been some signs of improvement in theoverall
> > employment scenario from 2000 onwards, but
> > thesituation is yet to reach any turn-around, the
> > studysaid. On the "nexus" between weak economy and
> > conflict, thestudy revealed that nearly 75 per
> cent
> > of therespondents in conflict-affected areas
> > reported thattheir village had a "weak" to "very
> > weak" localeconomy. But what is more alarming is
> the
> > increasing level ofcorruption that itself could be
> a
> > factor responsiblefor the underdevelopment or slow
> > pace of developmentin the state. "Corruption in
> > local government officesmarked a turn for the
> worse.
> > Respondents in more than65 per cent of the
> > communities surveyed agreed thatgovernment
> officials
> > in their village andneighbourhood were corrupt,"
> the
> > study said.
> >
> _______________________________________________assam
> > mailing
> >
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Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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