Inspired by the positive experience of C'da,  I
decided to try USPS for a time sensitive document
which I was sending to Guwahati. 

USPS has a new service named GXG (Global Express
Guaranteed)  which is a tie up with Fedex for
guaranteed delivery.   Accessed USPS website, paid
online and then took the package to nearest USPS.  
The clerk did not seem to have heard of GXG  and I had
to explain him.  

The package was delivered one day later then commited
date and when I called up USPS for claim, they
transferred me (apparently to Fedex)  and the refund
for service failure was approved.   

After two weeks,  I received an invoice from Fedex
stating that USPS did not pay them and so it is my
responsibility !  The invoice  showed significantly
higher weight (then what was assessed by USPS)  and
thereby huge additional charges.   The invoice also
mentioned that the delivery delay was weather related
and so no refund .  This was nonsense.  The package
was sitting in Delhi for 3 days before it was sent to
Guwahati (as available from Fedex online tracker)  and
there was not a drop of rain in Delhi or Guwahati
during those 3 days. Apparently Fedex is trying  to
take advantage of a thunderstorm in their hub Memphis
after the package left Memphis.
So now,  they are not only refusing to honor the
guarantee but also double billing me ... once through
USPS  and again through Fedex that too a much higher
charge (more then double)  then what was commited

So where is USPS to be blamed ???

Called up USPS regarding the issue and they flatly
denied any help.  According to them I should resolve
it with Fedex.   When I tried to explain  that I have
never contracted with Fedex,  I am a customer of USPS
and they should own the responsibility, they hung up.
Called up Fedex (number on Invoice)  and they gave
another number to call.  The second number ends in a
voice mail !

As of now,  I have sent emails to Fedex and USPS and
waiting for reply .

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