Excellent C'da.

On 7/15/08, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Amazing tale! And even more amazing is the state
> of Indian journalism and its 'democracy' .
> Allow me to introduce myself: I am an ethnic
> Assamese , living in the USA and an observer of
> Indian Institutions of democracy, its
> 'journalism' and the role of its intelligentsia (
> or more precisely its absence from) in shaping
> them.
> The author opens up on Nagas  with her military
> husband's terrorizing  a Naga village head-man,
> that produced her missing Irish Setter in twenty
> minutes!
> Where did this military man get the power to
> terrorize the village? What was the cause?
> It was an Irish Setter, a pet dog, missing for
> less than twenty minutes.  Imagine that!  Imagine
> the state of due process, imagine the power of
> the occupation forces, imagine accountability of
> the military--the wife of a two bit two-bit
> military officer  can brag about it in the
> national media, imagine the professionalism of
> the Indian army that  its apologists never fail
> to wave at the world!
> Now let us look at the professionalism of the
> Deccan Herald, its journalistic ethics, its
> editorial responsibility and its role as a
> watchdog of democracy  that chose to publish this
> gem of an article:
>        The writer not only publicly accuses this
> man, the Naga PhD student , Yoronso, of a crime,
>        but also convicts him and then recommends
> punishment. And the Deccan Herald goes
>        right along with this prosecutor, judge,
> jury and executioner all neatly packed into one,
> in
>        the perfect image of the Indian
> military's half century old occupation and
> terrorism in the
>        northeastern states and publishes it. Why
> shouldn't it? The writer provided all the proof,
>        didn't she?
>        Of course the writer had all the proof
> she ever needed, right? Must have had a hidden
>        video camera in the room to record all
> the gruesome details. Or could it have been
>        confessions of the accused extracted by
> someone like her military husband ?  They
>        sure know how to get those confessions.
> Just ask the dead Ajit Mahanta of Kakopothar,
>        Assam who was taken by the army from his
> wife and little baby, sodomized with bamboo
>        poles causing massive internal injuries
> before beating him to death and then dumping the
>        body on the roadside, merely on
> suspicion that he was an ULFA  'collaborator'.
> Did Ajit
>        Mahanta get any justice? Of course, the
> commanding general apologized.  What more can
>        anyone ask?
>        No wonder the Indian intelligentsia and
> its renowned journals never found it necessary to
>        write expose's about such forgettable
> events. But  a dog at JNU--that is different.  A
> Naga
>        killed it! And you expect its
> intelligentsia and its press to let it go with a
> wink and a nod?
>        Not in  desi-demokrasy!
> >Apparently North-Eastern students at JNU
> >regularly lynch and barbecue dogs. Kali's
> >mother, Leela, >was an earlier victim.
> The truth be told! These damn northeasterners!
> Them slant eyed, dog-eating, independence seeking
> sub-humans are a murderous lot! Rein them in, and
> not a moment too soon! And who better to educate
> the right-proper Indians  about  them than a
> military wife once posted in Nagaland? Don't even
> think of trying to muddy the picture by trying to
> tell them that there is no such  race of people
> as  northeasterners, or that there is political
> or geographical entity as the Northeast. , that
> it is a convenient
> creation of Indian intellectual sloth and
> colonial mind-set  to avoid getting headaches of
> the headless by learning  what makes them the
> savage lot it is!
> Disgustedly yours,
> Chandan Mahanta
> >Murder Most Foul
> >article by Ambika Shukla
> >
> >
> >Murder Most Foul
> >Pets
> >One of the most anxious days of our army posting in Nagaland had nothing
> >to do with the insurgency. It was the day, our Irish Setter, Bindu went
> >missing. Given a free rein of the area, she would romp happily over hill
> >and dales yet magically appear at one whistle or call. But one evening
> >there was no familiar figure loping homeward in response to our frantic
> >whistles and calls. After combing the area, my husband visited the Gaon
> >Burha (village Pradhan) of the closest Naga settlement and spelt out all
> >sorts of dire consequences if the dog did not return. Twenty minutes
> >later, Bindu was safely home.
> >
> >An incident that occurred this week brings home the awful fate that Bindu
> >so narrowly escaped.
> >
> >On the night of July 7, Yoronso, a 30-year-old Naga student at Delhi's
> >prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) invited two pals over to his
> >hostel room. Kali, a friendly eight-year-old campus dog (born and brought
> >up there) happened to be sitting near the stairs. Using biscuits they
> >lured her upstairs into Yoronso' s room (No 248 Kaveri Hostel) and bolted
> >the door. Yoronso fed Kali some rice from the hostel mess and then tied up
> >her mouth.
> >
> >The three then began to bludgeon the little creature with a cricket bat
> >and curtain rods. After battering her for more than half-an-hour, Yoronso
> >stuck a knife into the still conscious dog and began to cut her, even as
> >she moaned and writhed in pain. Finally, they took a brick and smashed
> >Kali's swollen, bleeding skull. The noise and blood seeping under the door
> >attracted attention and a crowd of students and the warden began to bang
> >on the door, forcing it open. Yoronso and his accomplices were caught
> >red-handed — literally.
> >
> >Everyone was nauseated to find the battered remains of Kali and the
> >cruelty that had been inflicted on the dog. Some students immediately
> >summoned the police. But the warden, anxious to avoid any controversy,
> >immediately planned a cover up by removing the body and the murder
> >weapons. Students were warned not to make any statement to the police or
> >press. When the police arrived, they conducted a cursory check; but
> >neither made any arrests nor recorded the prima facie evidence. In fact,
> >they would have done nothing had not one of the students called up
> >activist Maneka Gandhi who immediately intervened and lodged an FIR.
> >
> >On learning that Gandhi had been informed; the warden issued a letter to
> >Yoronso asking him to vacate his hostel accommodation. Yoronso is due to
> >submit his Ph.D on July 21 and was already in the process of vacating his
> >room prior to this event, so the Warden's action is surely an eyewash.
> >Here is what the institution should do to punish such a crime and its
> >perpetrators; firstly, Yoronso should be expelled and blacklisted from the
> >school.
> >
> >The University should also refuse to accept Yoronso's Ph.D thesis, which
> >his guide should also refuse to sign. The varsity must also revoke his
> >Bachelor and Master's Degrees, and co-operate with the police to
> >chargesheet and arrest all the three men.
> >
> >Instead, let's look at how JNU, this haloed learning ground, is actually
> >conducting itself in the issue. Yoronso has been coached by the University
> >to say that he reacted in self-defence after the dog attacked him. This is
> >clearly untrue for a lot of reasons.
> >
> >First, the students unanimously vouch for Kali's gentle, friendly nature.
> >Second, you shoo away or escape from a ferocious dog, you certainly don't
> >lock it inside with you. When this theory failed, Yoronso was provided a
> >second story.
> >
> >Now Kali was supposed to have entered his room and eaten his food. Why
> >would his food be lying on the floor, and again, why did he not chase the
> >dog away rather than locking her inside? Apart from the shame of a top
> >University colluding with criminals, even more shameful is that these
> >so-called mastermind academics cannot even come up with a plausible
> >cover-up!
> >
> >But that does not mean that Yoronso won't get away. In this cruel and
> >crazy world, even such blatant barbarity might go unpunished if we all do
> >not protest. This apparently is not the first instance of dogs being
> >killed at JNU. Apparently North-Eastern students at JNU regularly lynch
> >and barbecue dogs. Kali's mother, Leela, was an earlier victim.
> >
> >This won't stop unless we make it stop. I am listing below the numbers of
> >the dean's and the warden and the email addresses of the JNU
> >Faculty.Demand action against the tormentors of a helpless, harmless young
> >life. This could have been my Bindu.
> >
> >If we don't act today, it could be yours tomorrow
> >
> >Prof. Yash Pal (Chancellor),
> >Off: 0112610 2430,
> >Residence: 01202512075
> >Soumen Chattopadhyay, Warden
> >+91 9873439840
> >Email addresses:
> >
> >Feedback is welcome at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >***************************************************
> >
> http://www.deccan.com/Hyderabad%20chronicle/Hyderabad%20ChronicleDescription.asp#Murder%20most%20foul
> >
> >
> >
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