Dear Borthakur,
Before answering you, I again highlight what I said as major. The highlighted 
are in reds.Just Bullshit. Down to ABSU. When disaster comes on them, they 
shouts that they are Assamese. Bull shit. Remember the situation of Darrang in 
August of 2008. There were communal clash between Bodo ethnic group & Muslim. 
And what those Bodo claimed? They claimed it as "Assamese vs Bangladeshi". 
While the entire incident started from a marriage between a Muslim boy & a Bodo 
Girl, which turned into communal clash and resulted the 30 October, 2008 
blast(Anybody want to ask me how?). Look at their character. When problems 
come, they become Assamese. They are just jokers.Now say, whom I said Bull 
Shit? Hope people who has least sense of idea, can understand. This is you who 
is finding some other sense instead of real points.Nothing to say, who doesn't 
try to listen or understand, but only speaks.No hard feelings.
Regards-Dhruba Jyoti DekaPS: About your say That day you were using strong 
language against those who you perceived did not respond to your call for 
setting up some sort of a web-site , I proudly want to say that I got single 
response from Chandan Mahanta Khura from this mailing list, and got few too 
young boys from Orkut for that mission. With Chandan Khura & those youth's help 
we are going to start the Web Portal by August End. Those youth are not so 
financially efficient, just they get bellow 10K as salary, but their 
willingness and acts are great. May be this is bad news for you people, that I 
have got at least few people, with whom we(I+the others) are going to launch 
our desired web portal so soon. The brand name is Times of Assam. And the url 
is Hope you people will also have a look after August(you 
can have look now too, but yet too input more contents). Again no hard feelings.
> Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 16:53:26 +0530
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Assam] An open letter to the Prime Minister
> Dear D J Deka,
> There are agent provocateurs always trying to cause vertical divisions among 
> people for their vote bank politics and thereby they succeed in tearing apart 
> the social fabric. If one gets carried away by such inducements and hurl 
> verbal abuse at a nation as a whole, would it augur well for generations to 
> come who would have to live with one another. Will you reconsider, get the 
> facts correct and in proper perspective, by trying to see as to who gains 
> from fatricidal wars, before using such abusive language? The things in life 
> are not black and white, they are mostly grey, as age would let you know, 
> unless you are incorrigible, and like to see through jaundiced eys. 
> That day you were using strong language against those who you perceived did 
> not respond to your call for setting up some sort of a web-site. Since you 
> are supposed to be on a never-before-tried saintly mission, are you not 
> supposed to behave like a saint and be forgiving? With your smug outbursts, 
> have you not shown exhibited contempt towards your own kind? Now, you go 
> against Bodos as a nation!
> Please think over, will you? Or you are going to call me horse-shit or some 
> more demeaning stuff? 
> Dhruba Jyoti Deka 
> Just Bullshit. Down to ABSU. When disaster comes on them, they shouts that 
> they are Assamese. Bull shit. Remember the situation of Darrang in August of 
> 2008. There were communal clash between Bodo ethnic group & Muslim. And what 
> those Bodo claimed? They claimed it as "Assamese vs Bangladeshi". While the 
> entire incident started from a marriage between a Muslim boy & a Bodo Girl, 
> which turned into communal clash and resulted the 30 October, 2008 
> blast(Anybody want to ask me how?). Look at their character. When problems 
> come, they become Assamese. They are just jokers.
> Uttam Kumar Borthakur
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