I also watched the story of Abraham george..
Looks like we still have some doers rather than talkers.
May be we get some inspiration.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ram Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Assam" <assam@pikespeak.uccs.edu>
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:56 AM
Subject: [Assam] India Untouched - Abraham George

> Just finished watching the Charlie Rose show. One of his guests was
> Abraham George. George has lived in the US for 25 + years, he is a
> business man, and philanthropist.
> He has started his own NGO, developed the best journalism school in
> India, and is attacking the problem of poverty head on. He has come
> out with a new book titled "India Untouched, The Forgotten Face of
> Rural Poverty ", with a foreword by Tom Friedman.
> The website is here, and this is a must read for all those who are pro
> or anti NGOs in India. George offers new solutions to the problem of
> poverty, and come down hard on successive GOI administrations who have
> failed to solve this problem.
> The website offers great excerpts from the book. Here is one:
> http://www.indiauntouched.com/
> ******
> India needs a political reform revolution to go with its economic one.
> "With prosperity coming to a few, the great majority are simply spectators
> to this drama," said Mr. George. "The country is governed poorly,
> with corruption and heavy bureaucracy at all levels. I am a great advocate
> of technology and globalization,
> ******************
> --ram
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