Just finished watching the Charlie Rose show. One of his guests was
Abraham George. George has lived in the US for 25 + years, he is a
business man, and philanthropist.

He has started his own NGO, developed the best journalism school in
India, and is attacking the problem of poverty head on. He has come
out with a new book titled "India Untouched, The Forgotten Face of
Rural Poverty ", with a foreword by Tom Friedman.

The website is here, and this is a must read for all those who are pro
or anti NGOs in India. George offers new solutions to the problem of
poverty, and come down hard on successive GOI administrations who have
failed to solve this problem.

The website offers great excerpts from the book. Here is one:


India needs a political reform revolution to go with its economic one.
"With prosperity coming to a few, the great majority are simply spectators
to this drama," said Mr. George. "The country is governed poorly,
with corruption and heavy bureaucracy at all levels. I am a great advocate
of technology and globalization,


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