Does Assam Government pay for the cost of running
military operations in Assam? If yes, is it the same
model for other states in India where the military has
a similar role?

--- Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> C'da,
> >BTW, isn't the Assam govt. run by the same folks
> who hold the reins
> >of the powers at Delhi? Is there a problem with
> this National Party?
> I really don't think the 'party' in power makes a
> difference. The
> Centeral Govt. set this up during the Vajpayee
> Admin. (there was
> probably a different admin in Assam too).  Just
> because there is a
> change at the helm, it doesn't mean treaties and
> allocations change
> overnight. There may be policy changes but things
> that need to be
> funded continue.The Central Auditors do hold BOTH
> the Center and the
> State responsible for the proper use of allocated
> funds. That was
> their report.
> Now, whether the CM or others or even Central
> ministers get punished
> or even caught in this scam is a different matter
> and the auditors
> have no say in that.
> Suppose we assume that the Center slept these past
> 25 years, what
> happened to the GOA (all with Assamese interests),
> what did they do?
> They took the allocated funds, and spent and misused
> it - cash
> strapped or not.
> All the auditors did was follow the money trail, and
> unfortunately it
> led straight to the GOA.
> This is a normal procedure for all state allocations
> - the Centeral
> funds are allocated to the states for various
> projects, and the states
> (normally) try and get this done within the
> framework of solid
> accounting practices and are accountable for what
> and where they
> spend. And the auditors do their job.
> This type of scenario is often repeated. The voter
> ID cards  - Assam
> logged in less than 1% completion, while every other
> state had atleast
> more than 50%. And who need voter IDs more than any
> other state?
> The same happened with the Asian Dev. Bank
> funds(loans) for the reorg
> of ASEB. From last reports, that money is nowhere to
> be found.
> > Why did the Center give the funds  to Assam to do
> the Center's job? Was it not >aware of the
> corruption  that goes on ?
> So, alongwith the Center, why not also blame the ADB
> for being so
> foolish to fund money to Assam? Oh!, I am sorry, the
> ADB probably had
> no clue about the rampant corruption in the state -
> its their fault
> anyway, for not researching well enough.
> --Ram
> On 8/9/05, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > >The Center ought to send its own border
> construction team and get
> > >the job done.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ***  I think that would be jumping the gun. After
> all twenty five
> > years is not that long. I mean for the Center to
> realize there is a
> > problem, and that it has a duty to protect the
> borders, and not cry
> > about its funds being 'mis-utilized' by a state
> that is already broke
> > from having to pay for the Indian military who
> have found a permanent
> > home in Assam?
> > 
> > BTW, isn't the Assam govt. run by the same folks
> who hold the reins
> > of the powers at Delhi? Is there a problem with
> this National Party?
> > And if there is how can Assam get rid of its
> incompetent governance?
> > Are there built-in safeguards in desi-demokrasy,
> or is it the people
> > of Assam's own damn fault?  What happened to the
> vaunted framework of
> > 'steal', I mean steel--the Civil Services, the
> Center's CAN-DO
> > cadres, that are supposed to manage the affairs of
> state with its
> > cutting edge management skills?
> > 
> > Or should we hold the people of Assam responsible
> for dereliction of
> > its duty of not protecting the 'national' borders
> too?
> > 
> > *** I see a propensity to blame Assam instead of
> holding those whose
> > duty it is to protect the borders. Why did the
> Center give the funds
> > to Assam to do the Center's job? Was it not aware
> of the corruption
> > that goes on ? Or was it to help the right parties
> get the right
> > contracts thru the leaky system in Assam? Not
> entirely out of the
> > realm of possibilities, is it?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > At 10:03 AM -0500 8/9/05, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
> > >The Gogoi admin has been diverting and misusing
> Central funds meant
> > >for border construction, and thus unable to
> implement the Assam
> > >Accord.
> > >
> > >"Comptroller and Auditor General of India
> ....revealed that funds to
> > >the tune of Rs 7.53 crore provided between 1999
> and 2004 for the
> > >project by the Centre had been diverted,
> misutilised and locked up to
> > >benefit the state PWD, irrigation, Assam State
> Electricity Board and
> > >bank, which has adversely affected the
> implementation of the project.
> > >"
> > >
> > >Huh! And we still have die-hards who would like
> to put the blame
> > >squarely on Delhi as to why the border hasn't
> been completed.  I would
> > >fault the Center for entrusting an incompetent
> State machinery to
> > >undertake such a major project.
> > >
> > >The Center ought to send its own border
> construction team and get
> > >the job done.
> > >
> >
> >___________________________________________________
> > >Issue Date: Tuesday, August 09, 2005
> > >Assam red-faced over CAG report
> > >Guwahati, Aug. 8: The Assam government has
> diverted central funds
> > >meant for the construction of a strategic
> Indo-Bangladesh border road
> > >and fence project, thereby leaving the scheme
> incomplete and exposing
> > >the border to infiltrators.
> > >
> > >This startling revelation, made in the annual
> report of the
> > >Comptroller and Auditor General of India, 2004,
> tabled on the first
> > >day of the monsoon session of the Assembly here
> today, has come as an
> > >embarrassment for the Tarun Gogoi government,
> which has been claiming
> > >its sincerity in implementing the 1985 Assam
> Accord.
> > >
> > >The CAG said a review of the 100 per cent
> centrally-assisted project
> > >being executed by the Assam PWD since 1986-87
> revealed that funds to
> > >the tune of Rs 7.53 crore provided between 1999
> and 2004 for the
> > >project by the Centre had been diverted,
> misutilised and locked up to
> > >benefit the state PWD, irrigation, Assam State
> Electricity Board and
> > >bank, which has adversely affected the
> implementation 
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