> And I thought that even rel+imm are evil (at least that was the
> impression you left me with after our last conversaation about this
> very subject)

Not evil, just can't use them since the customer may not have the
hardware support. The current program I am working on requires z/VSE 4
so I was attempting to use some of the halfword-imm stuff. I just picked
the wrong instructions. So, again, back to using old instructions.

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
 From: Martin Trübner
 Sent: 10/11/2011 06:34 AM

ZS4 does not work on our HLASM.

But ZS4 is what you need. THe instructions you cited are all z10 (or

First, what is the correct OPTABLE() setting for these


Second, I thought the halfword-Imm instructions were available all
the way back to the MP3000 days.

And I thought that even rel+imm are evil (at least that was the
impression you left me with after our last conversaation about this
very subject)

-- on your question-

REL+IMM feature was available then- but did only
include MHI, LHI, AHI, CHI in the -IMM-part of the feature.


Pi_cap_CPU - all you ever need around MWLC/SCRT/CMT in z/VSE
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