On Jan 12, 2012, at 08:32, McKown, John wrote:

> OK, I hope I'm not becoming wearisome with my yammering. But I am not too 
> busy right now. And I still really like and respect the z architecture 
> (despite its horrendous price).
Of course, that comes out of not our pocket, but your employers'.
An you've often mentioned how cost-conscious they are.  So, then,
why are they not considering converting to Linux rather than to
Windows.  OS software would be much cheaper; hardware should
be the same (literally); is this then offset by the cost of middleware
and application software?

> I ask about the CPU cost of an EX because that same program that I'm working 
> on uses the EX a fair amount to move "variable length" strings into a 
> blank-initialized area for reporting purposes. Instead of EX of an MVC, I 
> could use MVCL or MVCLE. But many have said that EX of an MVC is less 
> overhead than MVCL in many cases. Especially since I know that my length is 
> always no more than 255 characters. I check and report an error if the length 
> is 256 or more.
If EX is so bad, I wonder about a chain of:

    TM    COUNT,128
    BNO   *+18
    MVC   0(DEST,128),0(SOURCE)
    LA    DEST,128(,DEST)
    LA    SOURCE,128(,SOURCE)

    TM    COUNT,64
    BNO   *+18
    MVC   0(DEST,64),0(SOURCE)
    LA    DEST,64(,DEST)
    LA    SOURCE,64(,SOURCE)

    TM    COUNT,1
    BNO   *+10
    MVC   0(DEST,1),0(SOURCE)

(Or wrap it in a loop)

(I haven't been an assembler programmer for three decades; fill
in the blanks.)

-- gil

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