On 1/12/2012 2:23 PM, John Gilmore wrote:
No one has ever claimed that the timing differences here are large,
significant ones; and the continuing preoccupation here with
suboptimizing of this sort is, I think, evidence of a pervasive
malaise, a retreat into the familiar that precludes consideration of
more, much more, important design issues.

In general I tend to agree with this, but I've worked or
consulted at installations that either had problems completing
overnight jobs in their assigned batch window, or just
processing large amounts of data.

While I haven't tried this on very current machines, on older
ones EX added 40 to 50% to the instruction time (EX overhead on
some Amdahl machines was greater); 4 MVCs of 256 bytes were
about the same as a 1K MVCL; and 5 CLI/BE were about the same as
one TRT/B *+4(R2). In each case if paid to identify the most
frequently executed code and look for improvements.

Gerhard Postpischil
Bradford, VT

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