On 25 October 2012 16:27, Kirk Talman <rkueb...@tsys.com> wrote:
> A business person at our company asked me if it was possible to flowchart
> HLASM programs.
> - I think no at the source level because of macros.
> - I think it is difficult at the assembly listing level because of nested
> PRINT OFF statements in macros and copied code.
> - Is ADATA from an assembly rich enough to use to do a flowchart, at least
> in theory?  I have not used it before.

IBM's HLASM Toolkit has/had the Program Understanding Tool (PUT) that
runs on Windows and uses ADATA to produce control flow diagrams and
such. I played with it some years ago, and found that it was not
capable of understanding some common techniques such as branch tables,
and so was of little use for the code I wanted to look at. But it
might work for yours.

I've heard nothing about PUT for a long time, and don't know if it's
been maintained.

Tony H.

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