From: Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Friday, 2 November 2012 3:37 PM

I'm missing something here; most likely an unstated assumption.
My intuition agrees with test program making a histogram of
consecutive integers mod 3:

SPPG@MVS3:139$ cat foomod
/* Rexx */ signal on novalue;  /*
  Doc: Demonstrate hash clustering.
Counts. = 000      /* Set all counters to 0.  */

do I = 1 to 99999  /* Generate some samples.  */
   R = I // 36    /* mod 36                  */
   Counts.R = Counts.R + 1;  end

do I = 0 to 35     /* Display counters.       */
   say 'Counts.'right(I, 2, 0 ) '=' right( Counts.I, 4 );  end

Which produces output:

SPPG@MVS3:140$ foomod
Counts.00 = 2777
Counts.35 = 2777

Here I see no evidence of clustering.

There won't be.
All the data is uniformly distributed.

Real data is not uniform.

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