From: "Tony Thigpen" <>
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 9:14 AM

> On 2013-10-24 11:29, Blaicher, Christopher Y. wrote:
>> ...
>> The second method used a binary chop of the data then scanned for
the next entry.  It was ugly, but it did its job.  There are lots of
limitations to it.
> Somewhat elliptical.  I assume he means that from any point
> in the table, which may be in the interior of an entry of
> a priori unknown length, there's a method for locating the
> beginning and end of that entry, perhaps a reserved character
> such as BLANK, NUL, LF, ...
> I think that should be feasible.
> -- gil

Yep, but so ugly. :-) And, so slow.

Binary search for verying-length strings is neither ugly nor slow.

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