It's really just a case that, as a vendor, I need to be careful of what
'new' instructions I add to my code. I don't want to dual path based on
STFLE, but instead, code to my best guest as to my current 'lowest
denominator' customer.

Tony Thigpen

-----Original Message -----
 From: Mark Boonie
 Sent: 12/11/2013 03:28 PM
(I apologize in advance for not answering your question.)

I always get uneasy when I see questions about when an instruction was
*first* available.  There's no assumption in Principles of Operation that
once an instruction is introduced then it will be on all following machine.
I know that in general it has worked that way in the past, but there's
always a possibility that, say, an EC-type machine will introduce some new
facility and then a later BC-type machine will be released without that
facility.  I don't know why you're asking the question, but would it be
better answered by inspecting a facility bit stored by STFL(E)?  If not,
well, again I apologize.

- mb

IBM Mainframe Assembler List <> wrote on
12/11/2013 02:56:15 PM:

From: Tony Thigpen <>
Date: 12/11/2013 03:03 PM
Subject: Which instructions available on which machine table?
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Assembler List <>

Does anybody know of a list of instructions with what model processor
they were first available on?

Tony Thigpen

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