On 2016-12-20, at 17:19, Webster, Chris wrote:

> What is your initial using for r13?  Is DLTABLE part of that dsect?  
That shouldn't matter for a dependent USING which is supposed
to map one DSECT over part of another DSECT.

There's some Bad History here.  Warnings for overlapping USINGs and
multiple resolution were provided before long displacements (over which
HLASM had no control) and dependent usings (over which HLASM had
complete control.)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Smith
> Sent: December-20-16 10:15 AM
> Well, I found a work-around:
> *        USING DLTABD,DLTABLE          This fails w/ASMA307E
>        USING DLTABD-4000,DLTABLE-4000 Trick to fool HLASM
In fact, I recall by experiment that the second offset can be
absurdly large, anything within 32-bit range, well beyond any
currently supported displacement (that I know of).

If I had a dog in this fight, and I had raised it from a puppy before
dependent USINGs and long displacements, I'd change the rule so that
warnings and errors were never reported at the USING instruction,
not even one that's documented but not (IIRC) reported.  I would report
multiple resolutions (and, of course unresolvables) at the point at
which they occur.

One day I might submit an SR on a case in which a base and displacement
are resolved which are algebraically wrong in AMODE 64.  I believe an
overflow during resolution is not reported.  The restriction of
assembly-time arithmetic does not excuse generating code which is
clearly incorrect in AMODE 64 and questionable in AMODE 31 or 24.

-- gil

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