On 2020-10-24, at 15:06:32, Tony Thigpen wrote:
> I kinda like the concept, but a lot of literals we use are just 4 characters, 
> so it does not scale down easily.
???  "scale"?

> One of the other thoughts mentioned was lower-case vs. upper-case. Maybe a 
> macro that accepts upper-case, but stores it as lower-case, then ORs it with 
> x40 when moving it:
> that generates:
>   MVC   MY_TAG,=C'abcd'
>   OC    MY_TAG,=C'    '
Why bother?  Enter it as C'abcd'.  Easily enough done with "case mixed ignore".

> I would have to set my editor a little different when viewing dumps, but it 
> may work better than the original MVCIN thought. (I normally use "case mixed 
> ignore" in XEDIT.)
Has XEDIT nothing like ISPF's "find c'ABCD'" with does a case-sensitive
search regardless of the CAPS setting?

-- gil

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