OK.  Let's go through the code one instruction at a time.

I1       LLGC  R0,BYTE                  Low order byte of R0
*                                       contains byte of interest.
*                                       Bits 56-59 contain the two
*                                       adjacent bit pairs of
*                                       interest.
*                                       Bits 60-63 are of no
*                                       interest.
*                                       Bits 0-55 are zero.
I2       SRL   R0,4(0)                  Bits 60-63 of R0 contain
*                                       the pair of two bits of
*                                       interest. Bits 0-59 are
*                                       zero.
I3       SRLG  R1,R0,2(0)               R1 contains the first pair
*                                       of bits of interest in bits
*                                       62-63.  Bits 0-61 are zero.
I4       NILL  R0,B'11'                 R0 contains the second pair
*                                       of bits of interest in bits
*                                       62-63.  Bits 0-61 are zero.
I5       AHI   R0,C'1'                  * Convert the bit pairs to
I6       AHI   R1,C'1'                  * Zoned Decimal format,
*                                       * origined at 1.

In the commentary below I will show the bytes of a register as two
hex digits per byte, with bytes separated by underscore characters.
When showing the bits of a byte, all eight bits will be shown.

The bits of the BYTE data item are laid out as follows:


Where the leftmost two bits (JK) are the first bit pair of interest,
and the next two bits (YZ) are the next pair of bits of interest.
The remaining four bits (xxxx) are of no interest.

Instruction I1
At the completion of this instruction the 64-bit GPR 0 contains:

Instruction I2
This shifts the low order 32-bits of the 64-bit GPR 0 right by four
bits.  The High order 32-bits of the 64-bit GPR 0 are unchanged. At
the completion of this instruction the 64-bit GPR 0 contains:


Instruction I3
This shifts the CONTENT of the 64-bit GPR 0 (not the register
itself) right by two bits and places the 64-bit result of the shift
into the 64-bit GPR 1. GPR 0 is UNCHANGED by this operation.  At the
completion of this instruction, the 64-bit GPRs of interest contain:

GPR 0: 00_00_00_00_00_00_00_0000JKYZ
GPR 1: 00_00_00_00_00_00_00_000000JK

Instruction I4
This performs a bitwise AND of the rightmost 16-bits of the 64-bit
GPR 0 with the immediate operand of B'00000011'.  The leftmost
48-bits of the 64-bit GPR 0 are unchanged by this operation.  At the
completion of this instruction, the 64-bit GPRs of interest contain:

GPR 0: 00_00_00_00_00_00_00_000000YZ
GPR 1: 00_00_00_00_00_00_00_000000JK

Instruction I5
This performs a Signed Add of the Signed immediate operand value of
x'00F1' to the low order 32-bits of the 64-bit GPR 0. Note that a
Fixed-Point Overflow cannot occur.  The maximum value which can
result from the Addition is 00_00_00_F4.  The low order 32-bits of
the 64-bit GPR 0 are replaced by the resultant sum.  The high order
32-bits of the 64-bit GPR 0 are unchanged by this operation.

Instruction I6
This performs the identical operation as instruction I5, except the
64-bit GPR being operated upon is Register 1 instead of Register 0.

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