> same problem here, see also
> http://www.nabble.com/ASSP-1.5.1-rc-Freezing-to22230370.html - even
from the
> command line (with asaservice=0) there are no messages but a simple
> freeze.

been running it fine for several hours now; PLEASE try the following
(just to try nailing the issue) - rename assp.cfg to assp.tmp, rename
the "pb" folder to "pb.tmp" and create a new, empty "pb" folder, then
ensure that the "asaservice" is set to "0", check that there's no "perl"
running (see task manager) and try to start perl from command line
if it starts then stop it "restore" the old "assp.cfg" and try starting
again, if it starts again, then, please, report the size of files
inside the pb.tmp (the "old" pb) folder

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