On 10/09/05 21:54 Matt Riddell said the following:
an unbelievable day filled with people doing things in business that you just wouldn't do in a group of friends.
and that's the crux. it really shouldnt have had to come to this, with differences ironed out over a discussion, private or public. however it's not about stabbing digium or anyone else in the back, but rather a progression of open source software. the gpl allows a fork, and the bigger issue here is the license incompatibility between the gpl and the openh323 and the openssl licenses.
at the face of it, when it's no longer called Asterisk(tm), one can still get the freedoms given by the gpl but without the ability to link to openssl and openh323. there are workarounds to this without violating either license thru the use of chan_woomera as well as keeping separate boxes. in the separate box scenario, the copy of asterisk is unmodified/unpatched from the original, thus still keeping the Asterisk(tm) moniker sending calls via IAX2 to another patched asterisk which does the real call processing.
i write software, and i'd like to go back to writing software instead of worrying about forks, project politics and general bad feelings.
-- Regards, /\_/\ "All dogs go to heaven." [EMAIL PROTECTED] (0 0) http://www.alphaque.com/ +==========================----oOO--(_)--OOo----==========================+ | for a in past present future; do | | for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do | | echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b." | | done; done | +=========================================================================+ _______________________________________________ Asterisk-Biz mailing list Asterisk-Biz@lists.digium.com http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-biz