Hello everyone, I am going to throw out an idea and see if it sticks. I have had this idea for quite a while now and I think the moons have aligned to get it done..
I will be creating a consortium for all things VoIP as well as any other specialties a shop or individual can bring to the table, such as custom programming and dev work. The idea is that people and companies in the consortium operate under the name of the consortium. Some will be rejected or be kicked out of the consortium for doing anything that breaks the rules, such as stealing a customer, or regular complaints from customers. There will be a whole binding contract in this regard. Consortium members will be picked by geographical location, skill set, proficiency, and some other factors. Nobody in the consortium will directly compete with other members, and prices for services will be standardized. The the whole idea is for you to keep your business, yet operate to some degree in the consortium (no leaching). We all help each other out, either by sending leads, or even going on a sales calls for another person in the consortium (obviously, this would be a paid gig). Let's face it, some people can sell much better than others. For a big deal, I would potentially fly someone in who is great sales person and pay them well for their time. We can sub out work to each other that are in the inner circle of trust. One other HUGE and the main benefit when coming up with the idea, is that we will all act as one company on the surface, so there is great credibility there rather than a one, two, or even ten man shop. We will also act as one company to some degree behind the scenes. I have turned away plenty of business because I was booked solid or did not have the skillset nor time to learn it. I would gladly turn over that business to someone else in the consortium providing a get a kickback for the sale and the job get's done correctly. To the outside world, we appear to be a single World Wide company, with offices and technicians that could be onsite anywhere in the US and other countries. If you have any interest, questions, or any kind of feedback, please post to the list or email directly if it is not list material. -- Thanks, Steve Totaro +18887771888 (Toll Free) +12409381212 (Cell) +12024369784 (Skype) _______________________________________________ --Bandwidth and Colocation Provided by http://www.api-digital.com-- asterisk-biz mailing list To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit: http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-biz