On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:10 PM, SIP <s...@arcdiv.com> wrote:
> Steve Totaro wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am going to throw out an idea and see if it sticks.  I have had this
>> idea for quite a while now and I think the moons have aligned to get
>> it done..
>> I will be creating a consortium for all things VoIP as well as any
>> other specialties a shop or individual can bring to the table, such as
>> custom programming and dev work.
>> The idea is that people and companies in the consortium operate under
>> the name of the consortium.
>> Some will be rejected or be kicked out of the consortium for doing
>> anything that breaks the rules, such as stealing a customer, or
>> regular complaints from customers.  There will be a whole binding
>> contract in this regard.
>> Consortium members will be picked by geographical location, skill set,
>> proficiency, and some other factors.
>> Nobody in the consortium will directly compete with other members, and
>> prices for services will be standardized.
>> The the whole idea is for you to keep your business, yet operate to
>> some degree in the consortium (no leaching).
>> We all help each other out, either by sending leads, or even going on
>> a sales calls for another person in the consortium (obviously, this
>> would be a paid gig).  Let's face it, some people can sell much better
>> than others.  For a big deal, I would potentially fly someone in who
>> is great sales person and pay them well for their time.
>> We can sub out work to each other that are in the inner circle of trust.
>> One other HUGE and the main benefit when coming up with the idea, is
>> that we will all act as one company on the surface, so there is great
>> credibility there rather than a one, two, or even ten man shop.  We
>> will also act as one company to some degree behind the scenes.  I have
>> turned away plenty of business because I was booked solid or did not
>> have the skillset nor time to learn it.
>> I would gladly turn over that business to someone else in the
>> consortium providing a get a kickback for the sale and the job get's
>> done correctly.
>> To the outside world, we appear to be a single World Wide company,
>> with offices and technicians that could be onsite anywhere in the US
>> and other countries.
>> If you have any interest, questions, or any kind of feedback, please
>> post to the list or email directly if it is not list material.
> Be aware that what you're suggesting borders on breaking the law (see
> Price Fixing) in most states. It might be a very good idea to consult an
> attorney prior to such a venture, as it is not without its risks.
> N.

Yes, I know about price fixing, I also know that many hardware vendors
will not allow you to post a price below a certain point.

I have legal council on retainer but I think it is non-issue.

The consortium rules would be more or less, try to get at least X
amount in payment, If you can get Y (a higher price) then go for it,
and if you need to discount to get a deal, there would be nothing to
stop you.

Think MSRP not price fixing.  No borderline price fixing.

Think maximizing profits and putting one face to a wild west atmosphere.

Steve Totaro
+18887771888 (Toll Free)
+12409381212 (Cell)
+12024369784 (Skype)

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