
On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 10:01, Jamie Carl wrote:
> You might want to get your facts right before you start 
> abusing people, or don't you have anything else to do with 
> your pitiful existance?  You seem to spend more time 
> abusing people about their posting ethics than actually 
> helping people.  I think maybe YOUR ethics need to be 
> revised.

Not meening to put fuel on the flames, but in most postings I've seen
Steven complaining about the way to post, he also did put in usefull
information with regards to the problem.

And, the points he is consistently complaining about are valid. If one
has ever searched the mailinglist archive, he/she must have noticed how
a thread that might have the answer to his/her problems at hand suddenly
changes subject. Not starting a new thread properly makes life harder
for others, often resulting in new users asking the same questions on
the list over and over again.

Then, about top-posting. When replying to a message, one may save about
3 seconds of your time, by posting at the top. But everyone reading that
reply will have to scroll down first and back up again to make sense of
what you are saying. This will const at least 6 seconds of their time.
And when someone else replies in top-post style, the gained seconds for
the original cullprit will be lost again.

And yes, top-posting screws up the mailinglist archives. Because for a
top-posted thread, you have to scroll all the way down, to see the
original question. Then if the question has any relevance to the thing
you are  searching for, you have to skip back up, read down, back up
some more, read down, ... etc.
A properly posted thread will read like a step by step manual, and help
many others.

This mailinglist has about the worst discipline in not top-posting I
have ever seen in an open source project. We are all free to post what
we like, how we like. But as a community, we should understand that we
are damaging our own interests.


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