> > > Two IDENTICAL MACHINES (same motherboard, same RH 7.2, same *)
> > > communicate through IAX2. Everything works ok on machine 1. On machine
> > > 2, if I try to use 4 fxo's from a TDM400 card, sound gets lousy. If I
> > > manually destroy one of the zap channels (e.g. zap destroy channel 4),
> > > sound gets good again.
> > > 

I had a similar problem once with a mb with bad processor caps.  The
noise from the power supply screwed up every analog card in the
machine.  Didn't figure it out until the caps leaked all over the mb.

Probably does not apply in this case.

Maybe if the machines are identical you can try swapping hardware back
and forth.. I'd start by swapping harddrives and see if the problem
follows the drive or the system.

Mark Farver

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