Comments below:

On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 07:10, Andrew Thompson wrote:
> Hmm... I was trying to seperate the mailbox= definition from the context
> specifically named "default". IMHO, the implied(i.e. default) context for a
> mailbox should be the context that's indicated for the device.
> Take the below grossly simplified sip definition:
> [sipphone1]
> type=friend
> host=dynamic
> context=not_the_default
> username=sipphone1
> The context for this device is "not_the_default". Now, If I assign a
> voicemail MWI to it, like this:
> mailbox=1234
> * currently looks for this extension in the "default" context. I believe
> this is incorrect. The "default" context should have been overridden by
> "not_the_default" that's already been defined for that device.

I think you're confusing the "extensions.conf" context with the
"voicemail" context.  On the mailbox= line, you need to specify a
voicemail context.  From what I understand, voicemail contexts are
completely seperate from extensions.conf contexts.

Jared Smith

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