On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 11:20, Olle E. Johansson wrote:
> Jared Smith wrote:
> > Comments below:
> > 
> > On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 07:10, Andrew Thompson wrote:
> > 
> >>Hmm... I was trying to seperate the mailbox= definition from the context
> >>specifically named "default". IMHO, the implied(i.e. default) context for a
> >>mailbox should be the context that's indicated for the device.
> >>
> >>Take the below grossly simplified sip definition:
> >>
> >>[sipphone1]
> >>type=friend
> >>host=dynamic
> >>context=not_the_default
> >>username=sipphone1
> >>
> >>The context for this device is "not_the_default". Now, If I assign a
> >>voicemail MWI to it, like this:
> >>
> >>mailbox=1234
> >>
> >>* currently looks for this extension in the "default" context. I believe
> >>this is incorrect. The "default" context should have been overridden by
> >>"not_the_default" that's already been defined for that device.
> > 
> > 
> > I think you're confusing the "extensions.conf" context with the
> > "voicemail" context.  On the mailbox= line, you need to specify a
> > voicemail context.  From what I understand, voicemail contexts are
> > completely seperate from extensions.conf contexts.
> Technically, yes. But from a user perspective, I feel defaulting to the same
> context name, even if they are different things, is more logical than defaulting
> to "default" if not specified.
> What is considered logical, is of course very personal :-)

I think you are starting to get to action at a distance. While I
understand how you would get to the idea of it applying to the mailbox
definition, I think it is a bad idea to append to the end here. I think
it is important for the admin to know what is going on, and what happens
if later on they change the contexts of the dialplan around and it
therefore borks voicemail. I say all other config options are configing
the channel, not anything else hanging on the side so this should be

Of course now I'll disclaim that I'm still not using VM2.
Steven Critchfield  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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