Kristian Kielhofner wrote:
> The /configs/* error could be because that is a redhat thing.  I assumed 
> that Mandrake followed redhat on that as well.
> I don't know enough about zaprtc to know what those compilation errors 
> mean.  On mandrake, you may need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to boot 
> your new kernel (or you might be using lilo, in which case you need to 
> look it up.  I haven't used lilo in years...).  It is possible that the 
> Mandrake people may have patched the kernel so that it isn't possible to 
> build zaprtc against it, but I doubt it.  Can someone who has done this 
> on Mandrake 9.2 confirm this?  I don't even have a system to look at.
> Run uname -r to see if you are using your new kernel or not.  Also try 
> "modprobe rtc" and "lsmod | grep rtc" to see if you have rtc as a module 
> yet.

Hmm.. somehow i did a mistake, so my mandrake is fucked up..
When i boot, i get this message:
Kelnel Panic: No Init found.. Try Passing init= option to kernel.. :o(

Now i need to install it from scratch..

Thomas.. :o(

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