On Wednesday 15 December 2004 21:26, Michael Vogel wrote:

> Jim Van Meggelen schrieb:
> > YIKES! What kind of processor have you got there?
> Its a:
> - Pentium II (Deschutes) 333MHz
> - 128mb memory
> I'm using it as:
> - Mailserver (IMAP, SMTP)
> - Webserver (mainly for webmail)
> - Newsserver
> - Packet Radio station
> - VNC server
> - Proxy
> ...
>   22:22:10 up 10 days,  1:49,  5 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.09, 0.13
> 167 processes: 163 sleeping, 2 running, 2 zombie, 0 stopped
> CPU states:  12.1% user,   7.4% system,   0.0% nice,  80.5% idle
> Mem:    126740K total,   124172K used,     2568K free,     4760K buffers
> Swap:   345356K total,   173684K used,   171672K free,    22992K cached
> Is it a little bit too much for such a machine? What could be the
> bottleneck? CPU? Memory? Interrupts?

My advice would be to whack in a load more RAM - basically, try to get the 
poor little thing so it doesn't need to use swap.   That will make a big 
difference to performance.



I know I always wanted to be somebody, but I guess I should have been more 

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