Kristian Kielhofner wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 11:51 AM, Ron Byer Jr. <> wrote:
>> First off, congrats to Lonnie. Certainly well deserved.
>> Does anyone have an example (i.e. rc.conf settings, or equivalent) of a 2nd
>> external IP connection that is a PPP connection, the first being a static IP
>> address ?
>> I have a working example of a single EXTIF for ppp, and another example of a
>> static IP. Trying to put them together in one box has been tricky.
>> Thanks,
> Ron,
>   We currently only support one PPP connection at a time.
>   While it's certainly possible to support more it would require some
> fairly substantial work on the PPP software (pppd, pppoe, etc).  DHCP
> is tricky enough.  PPP LCP is even worse.
>   Philip - any comments/ideas here?
I think he's asking for the scenario where the primary WAN port is not 
PPP based, but the secondary is.  Right, Ron?

Or am I reading too much into what you're saying?


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