Just wanted to update the list on the status of a few items in trunk and 
some other development.

0.6 Branch:
This branch is in maintenance mode.  I will be creating a new release 
soon which has the fix in, the new MOH files and an updated 
version of the Asterisk-gui.  There will no new features, only fixes and 
security updates.

**Known issues**
misdnv1 still does not result in a working chan_midsn.so module for 
Asterisk.  Not sure if this is problem with where asterisk is looking 
for libs and included header files or if it's related to the way midsnv1 
is compiling.  Instead of spending a bunch more time on this, I'm going 
to recommend that we revert back to svn r3020 which is known to work and 
produce working mISDN code.

res-snmp.so in Asterisk (at least 1.4) fails to compile.  Philip was 
looking at this earlier last week.  If we can't get that resolved, I'm 
suggesting we revert the related netsnmp package changes, comment the 
lines related to res-snmp in the asterisk.mk file again, and move on. 
It would be nice to get this to build, but we can focus on that in the 

Philip is also working on recently added code for the Solos DSL hardware 
and linux-atm packages.  Additionally, the wifi code is still undergoing 
heavy development.

To my knowledge, these are the last remaining issues before we can 
branch trunk to 0.7.  AstLinux 0.7 will be the last branch with Asterisk 
1.4.  After we branch trunk, zaptel and all Asterisk 1.4 related code 
will be removed from trunk.

Future Development:
We may need to work out a better option for ISDN support (the current 
code won't compile against Asterisk 1.6).  We will need input from ISDN 
users to decide which direction to go.  Michael is going to research a 
few options and report back to the list.  He mention zaphfc which ties 
in ISDN hardware as a dahdi channel and mISDNv2 + LCR.  LCR sounds like 
a pretty big package.  Please voice your opinion when the options are 
presented.  It would be helpful to have some coding assistance related 
to this.

I recently created an 'asterisk-beta' branch which contains current code 
from trunk with some changes to allow Asterisk to build. 
I'm running an image built from that code right now.

As a reminder, the folks at Digium recommended that all users of 
Asterisk replace their music on hold files with the new OP-sound 
versions.  These will be included with future releases of AstLinux.  To 
replaced those files now, create a new MOH class with the path 
/mnt/kd/moh and copy the various files into that directory.  The new 
files seem less annoying than the old ones anyway.


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