>Hey there.. im Still trying to figure out how to 
>change the default baud rate of ttyS1 on a 
>soekris board to 1200 baud..
>Ive tried using sty  and it doesn¹t Œtake¹ it 
>will still be 9600 baudŠ  where is that set in 
>the boot process? Is there a file I can modify 
>to achieve the change?

What about about setting the "stty" command in "/mnt/kd/rc.elocal"?

Maybe could also can setup somethin in "/etc/inittab":

>I am also wanting to make the ttyS0 port a PPP 
>dialup server..  a potential site where I want 
>to use astlinux has no internet access so I¹ll 
>need to use a Modem to access that box..  of 
>course console access is easy I can just connect 
>to the serial port on the soekris..  but I need 
>to be able to transfer files..  so I want to be 
>able to dial in with dialup networking to 
>connect to it via IP to send it new MOH files, 
>greetings, etc on occasionŠ
>Is this doable on astlinux?  Im running custom 
>builds so I can compile in any modules I might 
>need..  ive just never set this up on astlinux 

Please report, if you get it working, because I'm 
also interested in PPP dialup support :-).



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