I'm in the process of building a new astlinux box for internal testing purposes 
using an old Net 4801. I downloaded the "Soekris net4801" image for 
1.0.4-Asterisk- (via the project website, NOT the build page) and dd'd 
it to a 4GB CF card. The initial boot of the system seemed to work fine (as 
viewed from a console session). I connected the 4801 to my LAN using eth0 and I 
brought up the setup page from a browser running on my laptop. After logging 
in, I did not change any of the defaults on the Installation Setup dialog 
(i.e., Combind Unionfs selected) and I hit continue. After the box rebooted I 
was NOT able to reconnect to it via the web browser. When I logged into the box 
using a console session, ifconfig shows me that I only have a loopback 
interface, i.e. there is no eth0. I still have link and activity lights on the 
port, but even after forcing a reboot from the console, I can't connect via 

Any suggestions?
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