On 15/1/05 7:37 AM, "Danny Ayers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I remember correctly from previous discussions, there is a little
> snag with most browsers only passing the data, not the source URI.
> Thing is, with the spec as it currently stands, we don't have a link
> from the feed that can be guarenteed to point to the feed URI itself.
> Having the handler go back to a HTML page to do autodiscovery seems a
> little roundabout.

+1 to having a self-referential link to the preferred URL for subscription.
Not only does it help with the "browser passes content only to handler
specified by mime-type" situation, but it also helps to avoid
accidental/nutty aliases from propogating (eg. http://example.com/feed.atom
vs http://203.xxx.xxx.xxx/feed.atom, where both actually point to the same

We need an appropriate @rel value (to put into the spec and the registry).

Prior art suggests "bookmark".


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