--On February 3, 2005 11:21:50 PM -0500 Bob Wyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Powell wrote:
>> It looks like this might have got lost accidently when the 
>> atom:head element was introduced. Previously Atom 0.3 said [1]:
>>> Ordering of the element children of atom:feed element MUST NOT be
>>> considered significant.
>       +1. 
>       The order of entries in an Atom feed should NOT be significant. This
> is, I think, a very, very important point to make. 


Is this a joke? This is like saying that the order of the entries in my
mailbox is not significant. Note that ordering a mailbox by date is not
the same thing as its native order. 

Feed order is the only way we have to show the publication order of items 
in a feed. I just looked at all my subscriptions, and there is only one
where the order might not be relevant, a security test for RSS readers.
That is clearly not within Atom's charter, so it doesn't count.

Walter Underwood
Principal Architect, Verity

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