I think that there is a risk of interoperability problems if we don't state 
which attributes are allowed on the xhtml:div wrapper.

As the xhtml:div wrapper is not part of the content: is it allowed to contain 
XHTML attributes such as class and style?

I assume that if these attributes are allowed, then they should be ignored by 
renderers, and the attributed xhtml:div should be treated as an un-attributed 

However, as xml:lang definitions made outside the content construct apply to 
the XHTML, I would assume that xml:lang attributes made on the xhtml:div 
itself, should apply to the XHTML.

If I've got this right, then I think that these implied rules are rather 

Should we:

  a) keep the current text.

  b) disallow attributes on the xhtml:div wrapper.

  c) disallow XHTML attributes on the xhtml:div wrapper, but
     allow xml:lang.

I vote for b).

Allowing xml:lang on xhtml:div is unnecessary because it can be placed on the 
content construct itself with the same effect.  Allowing attributes on a 
wrapper element which most people would otherwise just throw away adds 
unnecessary complexity and surprise.


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